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Sliver of Change is a debut collection of twenty-four poems by Marianne Brems. The collection revolves around the theme of transformations, small ones, big ones, frightening ones, peaceful ones that occur at every moment. Her vignettes of everyday life explore quirks of human nature, the speculative intricacies of quotidian events, as well as curious aspects of the physical world.



Marianne Brems is a writer of trade books, textbooks, short stories, and poetry. She has an MA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. She is the author of three poetry chapbooks from Finishing Line Press: Sliver of Change (2020), Unsung Offerings (2021), and In Its Own Time (forthcoming in 2023). Her poems have also appeared in literary journals including The Pangolin Review, Nightingale & Sparrow, The Sunlight Press, The Lake, and Green Ink Poetry. She lives and cycles in Northern California. Website:


Sliver of Change - Poetry by Marianne Brems

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