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The Flapper Press Poetry Café: Ekphrastic Poetry Contest


Updated: Aug 3, 2021

By Annie Newcomer:

A Summer Challenge From the Flapper Press Poetry Café!

Poetry inspired by a work of art is called Ekphrastic Poetry.

Whether it's a painting, photograph, sculpture, statue, or other work of art, modern ekphrastic poetry follows no formal rules but is an interpretive form that does more than simply describe a work of art; it requires the poet to dig deep to explore the feelings, thoughts, and experiences that the work of art invokes in the writer and reader. We are looking for poems and passages that engage the art—not as illustration but as inspiration.

Our summer poetry contest invites you to write a short poem or passage inspired by one or all of the following photos by Kim Carr—a photographer, hobby farmer, and regular contributor to Flapper Press.

We will publish our winners in the Flapper Press Poetry Café at the end of August. Please read the submission guidelines below and send us your poems!

Let's get creative!

Poetry Contest Rules:

  1. Poet information must pass Google API and address verification.

  2. A poem in its entirety must be an original work by the person entering the contest.

  3. Single entries are welcome or up to 3 poems per contestant; 1 prize per person.

  4. You may submit poems for any or all of the photos provided.

  5. All individual poetry remains the property of the author.

  6. Deadline for submissions is Sunday, August 22, 2021.

  7. Submit work to


One first-place winner is awarded $100, publication on Flapper Press, and consideration for submission to the PushCart Prize.

One second-place winner is awarded $50, publication on Flapper Press, and consideration for submission to the PushCart Prize.

One third-place winner is awarded $25, publication on Flapper Press, and consideration for submission to the PushCart Prize.

Judging Process:

Contest entries are judged based on poetic technique, effectiveness, style, and creativity. Submissions must be inspired by the following photos:

All photos by Kim Carr Photography.

  1. Red Checkered Cloth

2. Canoe on Basswood River

3. Price's Branch Barn

If you have questions, please reach out to us at



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