By Brandon Alter:

Eclipse Season spares no one, not even Astrologers like me. You can see the energy coming from a mile away, but that doesn’t mean you can prepare for it. Add to this Mercury’s current retrograde through his home sign of Gemini and the energy isn’t just intense but also slippery. I’m currently down in San Diego, caring for my Mom, whose six-year battle with cancer has taken a surprisingly urgent turn. And the information keeps shapeshifting—good, bad, and uncategorical. Blame Mercury. Praise Mercury.
Yesterday, I was speaking with her oncologist at length, asking all the questions a concerned son would ask. The most striking answer he gave me was: There is no playbook for this. My mom has a rare cancer that is currently behaving in ways that are atypical even for an unusual disease. And while most of us strive to be special, in medicine, being special is highly fraught. But the thing about not having a playbook means anything could happen; and that gives me hope.

I share this because Eclipse Season has this exact tenor. Anything can happen. And again, taking into consideration this very powerful Mercury Retrograde, information is coming at us from all sides, and the story keeps changing. The best we can do is to keep gathering up the clues and riding the current. Decisions might be made for us by larger cosmic powers, but best to save our own decision-making for a later date.
The reason why Mercury's Retrograde is so meaningful right now is because in Gemini, Mercury answers to no one but himself. And today's eclipse in Gemini is ruled by this trickstery Mercury. As he walks backwards through his own kingdom, sleuthing, he sees things he didn't perceive the first time around. And his observations are important. This is not a time to ignore what's happening all around you. Even if you feel like you are going backwards—in time, in progress—there are key insights vying for your attention.
The good news is that Eclipse Season is coming to an end. We are currently in the grand finale fireworks, and soon the sky will resume its usual blue-black hue. But before the clouds of smoke dissolve into the night, there are blessings, departures, course corrections, and revelations that best be absorbed and integrated. But what you think they might mean isn't set in stone. Retrograde Mercury loves to rewrite the story while it's being told. So be careful not to contextualize too quickly.

This particular Eclipse centers around the North Node, whereas the Lunar Eclipse two weeks ago had us engaging with the South Node. The North Node brings us into contact with the direction in which our soul wants to be heading—the South Node empowers release. Whatever stories (especially emotional stories) that you found slipping through your fingertips two weeks ago have left space open for ripe new beginnings of an intensely personal nature.
Gemini Season is always time to get personal, this Gemini Season even more so. Ask yourself: Where are your soul and your personality interwoven? How does your persona do the work of your soul? How does the numinous quality of your soul inform your identity? As the first Air Sign of the Zodiac, Gemini concerns are with personal identity as fostered by communication, curiosity, and connection. So get curious about who you are and what you're doing here. Don't be too quick to answer your own questions. Be a detective and, like Mercury, sleuth your own life.
If you're wanting to sleuth into your own soul, perhaps you might enjoy joining us for our brand-new course: Spirit Worlds. Think of it as a spiritual playpen to explore working with the invisible nature of reality. Everything has a spirit, including objects, places, and animals—even ideas, creative projects, or businesses all possess a distinct spiritual essence and agency. Throughout the course, you will learn how to take spiritual journeys and engage with the spirit world where you can connect more closely with your spiritual support system, including guides, power animals, ancestors, and other invisible allies. There will be many different types of experiences to try, and you will be able to find those that resonate most profoundly for yourself. When we can connect with the spirits around us, we can receive tremendous healing and power. If you've ever wondered who your guides are, how to channel information from beyond, where your power spot is—this course is for you!!! Head here to learn more and explore the complete syllabus. This course comes directly from our hearts, and we can't wait to share it with you; maybe we will see you in the Spirit World!

If five weeks feels like too much, join us for one of our Astrology or Breathwork workshops. A couple days after the solstice, we will dive into everything Cancer Season has to offer with our Cancer Season Astro Club. Or pop into a breathwork healing circle to facilitate a deeper connection to your own heart and spirit and release the stuck shit that's driving you crazy. As with everything we do, our goal is to demystify the mystical and empower you to feel more grace and ease in being your most authentic self. See more about our workshops HERE.
Lastly, Angel's been hard at work on the Gemini Season playlist. Eclipse Season can feel heavy AF, so hopefully these tunes can help you stay buoyant in these turbulent waters. When in doubt, throw yourself a kitchen/bedroom/living room dance party! Use this energy as best you can but remember all transits are temporary. Try to take as much time for yourself as you can. Easy does it. And don't hesitate to reach out for help!
In the interest of Mercury’s Retrograde through his home sign of Gemini, your Tarotscopes have been written as brief affirmations to be said aloud. And because Gemini suggests we should do everything twice, you’ll find each line repeated. Say these out loud until you believe them, until your whole body rings with them. They are here to help you rewrite your story.
Read for any and all of the following:
Your Sun, Moon, Rising, and North Node.
Hell, read 'em all from end to beginning, Mercury would.

Seven of Wands
I am a trailblazer.
I am a trailblazer.
Where I lead, others follow.
Where I lead, others follow.
I trust my inner compass
to guide me in the right direction.
I trust my inner compass
to guide me in the right direction.
I am willing to fight for what's right in my life,
even if others don't understand or approve of it.
I am willing to fight for what's right in my life,
even if others don't understand or approve of it.

Two of Cups
True love is my birthright.
True love is my birthright.
The more I love myself, the more love I radiate.
The more I love myself, the more love I radiate.
Just as I am, I am profoundly lovable.
Just as I am, I am profoundly lovable.
All of me is worthy of unconditional love.
All of me is worthy of unconditional love.

Three of Swords
I don’t have to understand my heart to follow my heart.
I don’t have to understand my heart to follow my heart.
I trust my instincts completely.
I trust my instincts completely.
My heart and my body are infinitely wise.
My heart and my body are infinitely wise.
They know truths my mind cannot see.
They know truths my mind cannot see.

I don't have to prove myself to anyone.
I don't have to prove myself to anyone.
I'm allowed to live my life however I see fit.
I'm allowed to live my life however I see fit.
I trust my heart to show me an easier way to be myself.
I trust my heart to show me an easier way to be myself.
Whatever challenges come my way,
I will thrive in overcoming them.
Whatever challenges come my way,
I will thrive in overcoming them.

Seven of Swords
I do not need to hide from myself.
I do not need to hide from myself.
All of me is divine.
All of me is divine.
I am willing to tell the whole truth
about what I feel in the shadow of my heart.
I am willing to tell the whole truth
about what I feel in the shadow of my heart.
The truth I'm most afraid to tell myself is the one that will set me free.
The truth I'm most afraid to tell myself is the one that will set me free.

Magic (Reversed)
I am not afraid of the unexplainable.
I am not afraid of the unexplainable.
I embrace the mystery of my being.
I embrace the mystery of my being.
What I cannot see is here to support me.
What I cannot see is here to support me.
I fully accept the hidden gifts of this existence.
I fully accept the hidden gifts of this existence.

Two of Wands
My soul didn't come here to play it safe.
My soul didn't come here to play it safe.
I am brave enough to follow a new path.
I am brave enough to follow a new path.
Starting over is how I commit
to the evolution of my dreams.
Starting over is how I commit
to the evolution of my dreams.
Adventure calls me, and I follow.
Adventure calls me, and I follow.

The Magician
I believe that anything is possible.
I believe that anything is possible.
I can create the life of my dreams.
I can create the life of my dreams.
By deciding what I want,
I begin the process of attaining it.
By deciding what I want,
I begin the process of attaining it.
I know I am worthy
to receive the things that I desire.
I know I am worthy
to receive the things that I desire.

Knight of Swords (Reversed)
I give myself permission
to continue evolving as my soul desires.
I give myself permission
to continue evolving as my soul desires.
I do not need to stay the same
for the comfort of others.
I do not need to stay the same
for the comfort of others.
I am allowed to change my mind.
I am allowed to change my mind.
I ride the invisible winds of change toward infinite freedom.
I ride the invisible winds of change toward infinite freedom.

Eight of Swords (Reversed)
My talents are endless.
My talents are endless.
Whatever I put my mind to, I will accomplish.
Whatever I put my mind to, I will accomplish.
Other people's problems are not my problem.
Other people's problems are not my problem.
Other people's opinions of me
are no longer my concern.
Other people's opinions of me
are no longer my concern.

Ace of Cups
I am finding a new flow.
I am finding a new flow.
Where I once was blocked, I now feel free.
Where I once was blocked, I now feel free.
Love is my guide.
Love is my guide.
Where I feel love, I know peace.
Where I feel love, I know peace.

Wheel of Fortune
I embrace change.
I embrace change.
I trust in the unknown, and I fully relinquish control.
I trust in the unknown, and I fully relinquish control.
I am willing to let life surprise me with its grace.
I am willing to let life surprise me with its grace.
Abundance is waiting for me
on the other side of this challenge.
Abundance is waiting for me
on the other side of this challenge.
BRANDON ALTER is a spiritual healer, Tarot reader, Astrologer, mystic, and writer living in Los Angeles. He is passionate about sharing spiritual tools that have helped him reconnect to the wisdom of his heart. Brandon is a thoroughly trained healer and teacher who co-hosts The Spiritual Gayz with his husband, a twice-monthly podcast dedicated to exploring the wide reaches of spirituality, without pretending that it all makes sense. Brandon’s mom took him to his very first psychic when he was seven and gave him his first Tarot deck when he was eleven. Since then he has devoted himself to the study of Tarot, Yoga, Pilates, Reiki, Astrology, and the myriad ways one can work, heal, and grow with the help of the spirits.
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