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Tarotoscopes, December 2019—January, 2020


By Brandon Alter:

Remember that iconic scene in Moonstruck? You know the one; where Nicolas Cage‘s character tells Cher’s character that he’s in love with her and she slaps him—twice—hard. And then she says her classic line: "Snap out of it!" Well, that is essentially the energy of Capricorn Season. It’s a hard slap across the face from someone who actually loves you very much. It’s time to snap out of whatever magical thinking you’ve been living in and face reality.

Because the Zodiac is a progression, Capricorn energy is the natural response to Sagittarius Season. If Sagittarius is a string of holiday parties, Capricorn is going back to work. If Sagittarius is traveling the world, Capricorn is coming back home. Capricorn may not win any popularity contests, but it is the crucial energy of sobering up and getting on with it. It’s the morning after all the fun has been had and the necessary evil of splashing cold water on your face. It’s looking at your bank account after all your holiday spending, instead of pretending you don’t know what’s in there. Where Sagittarius seeks the truth, Capricorn distills the truth into something we can use. Capricorn puts all the flowery philosophy into practice; and this, my friends, is where our true power lies.  

For those of you who haven’t seen Moonstruck (what is wrong with you?!), Cher’s character and Nicolas Cage‘s character end up together. So we’re not being asked to snap out of the dream. The dream is viable, it wants to come true. We are being asked to snap out of how scared we are to commit 100% to it. Capricorn is the ultimate adult of the Zodiac. And wherever Capricorn falls in your birth chart is where you are being tasked to grow all the way up, so that you can follow through on what your soul came here to do. This is the season of the long game. Consider Cher’s career of six decades, that’s the power of Capricorn. It’s about slow growth based on consistent activity.

We must all channel our inner Capricorn and become fiercely self-reliant, ready to do the hard work that will bring us rewards five, ten, even fifty years from now.

The New Moon in Capricorn falls on Christmas, which might lend an air of seriousness to our family gatherings. They say the moon is in its detriment in Capricorn. It’s opposite sign, Cancer, is where the moon feels most at home, in the vast oceanic waters of mysticism and emotion. Capricorn, on the other hand, seeks structure and containment. Therefore the moon’s vibe can be austere, controlling, even seemingly insensitive when here. But the truth is: a Capricorn moon is deeply sensitive (I should know, I am one), it just doesn’t show it. It’s serious and withholding because it cares so damn much.  

Cher, who in real life has a Capricorn moon, doesn’t slap Nicolas Cage because she doesn’t love him; she slaps him twice—real hard—because she is scared by the depth of her feelings for him. She can’t control her heart, and so she tries to control what her heart is attracted to. This metaphor, which you can see I am clearly sticking with, is actually a useful way to think about our relationship between our hearts and our dreams. The energy of this moon (and frankly this whole next season) wants us to snap out of our immature relationship with our dreams. We must stop being scared of them and start to take responsibility for how we will actually bring them, bit by bit, into this world.  

New Moons occur once a month when the Sun and the Moon occupy the same spot in the sky. This New Moon happens to be a saucy three-way because Jupiter is also hanging out one degree away. Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius, a benevolent and expansive character who casts a lucky spell on everything he touches. This means whatever you truly commit to under this New Moon will be graced with Jupiter’s blessing—so commit, gurl, with your whole damn heart. But don’t expect to reap rewards any time soon. This is your life’s work we are talking about, so prepare to spend your whole life building it.

Every six months, when the Sun enters into the terrain of either the North or South Node, we come into Eclipse Season. I would be doing ya’ll a disservice if I didn’t mention that this isn’t just a New Moon in Capricorn, it’s a Solar Eclipse. 

Eclipse energy is a cosmic course corrector. It’s intense, often emotional, as it shakes the etch-a-sketch of our lives and give us the clean slate we need to move ahead. 

Have you ever watched a movie in the theaters all the way to the end of the credits? And then there’s that moment when the lights get switched on, and you’re immediately plunged into the bright light of reality? Eclipses can feel like that. It can feel like the rug being pulled out from under you. But it can also feel like a stork dropping a baby on your front doorstep. Eclipses bring gifts and dispel curses, but rarely in a subtle way.

Capricorn is an Earth sign, to be sure, but it is the last Earth sign in the Zodiac that gives it a cosmic significance. Consider that the symbol for Capricorn is the sea-goat, a mythical creature that is half-goat, half-fish—picture a goat with a mermaid’s tail and you’ve got it. This being can swim down to the depths of the ocean and also scale the craggiest mountain. Capricorn energy is deep, gurl. It’s the ability to mine your own depths and then run them up the tallest flagpole. If Capricorn seems terrestrial it’s only because their hidden depths are just that—hidden.  

Recently, I’ve been thinking of the coastline as poetic metaphor for Capricorn energy, especially dramatic rocky shorelines such as the Cliffs of Dover or Big Sur or the Napali Coast in Kauai. A coastline doesn’t just happen; it’s sculpted over eons. It's an intense meeting place for the elements of Earth and Water, each crashing wave as important as the one before it. When you meditate on these wonders of the world, you start to understand what ambition and commitment really looks like, and you also might understand that our life’s work is part of a much greater coastline. We are each but one wave, but without our relentless crashing upon the shore, change would never come.  

Change is to be expected in the coming months. Many astrologers are geeking out over the Pluto/Saturn conjunction happening in late January. This aspect is rare; it only happens every 33–38 years—and it lasts for over two years. When Pluto and Saturn come together, it’s like a gay wedding that tears down everything that has come before. Saturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn, is the god of time and structure, a disciplinarian, and a tough-as-nails leather daddy. His husband-to-be, Pluto, is the god of the underworld, the ruler of deep soul transformation and death. To call them a cosmic power couple is an understatement. Many structures we have taken for granted are being called into question. We must assist in these global renovations of consciousness however we can.

It’s an intense and exciting time to be alive on planet Earth. Your job is to notice what in your life is wanting to be released and do your best not to get in the way of divine progress. Be gentle with yourself, the energy is sharp and heavy; bumpy waters ahead. But if you start to get in your head, or if you start to get down on yourself, take a cue from Cher, slap yourself (lovingly) and SNAP OUT OF IT!

For more specific Cosmic Updates and Tarot Wisdom, I highly encourage you to tune into The Spiritual Gayz. This twice monthly podcast that my husband, Angel, and I offer up is dedicated to exploring the wide reaches of spirituality without pretending that it all makes sense. We have tons of episodes on Astrology but also on Tarot and Shamanism and healing and magic. Not to mention fascinating interviews with groovy cosmic queers like Steven Canals, writer/co-creator of the hit TV show POSE, actress/icon Lena Waithe, and beauty/make-up expert Lihja Stewart. If you’ve been looking to expand your spiritual horizons in a fun, accessible way, look no further!

You may have noticed I’m no longer pulling a collective card for these moonthly Tarotscopes. That’s because I’m pulling a card for the collective every week and doing a video reading. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll find these videos on my stories every Thursday and in my Highlights. But you can also find them on The Spiritual Gayz Youtube page, here!

Below you’ll find your individual Tarotscopes for the complete lunar cycle. Read for your SUN and your MOON . . . and if you don’t know your moon, look it up, gurl, that’s part of your personal power waiting to be claimed!  

When pulling cards for this cycle, I asked that they not only resonate for your next moonth but also for your WHOLE YEAR AHEAD. Consider this message a prelude to what 2020 has in store for your sign. And if you want more specifics on your upcoming year, I highly encourage you to reach out for a Year Ahead Tarot Reading. We’ll pull one card for each month of 2020 and a thirteenth card that speaks to the unique theme of your upcoming year. This is one of the best tools to prepare you for the unexpected, so don’t hesitate to see what your cards have in store!



Four of Cups

Capricorn’s aren’t known for being emotional creatures but that doesn’t mean they’re dead inside. Cups, as the suit that rules the water of our lives, shows up when our inner depths require plunging. Fours in the Tarot represent a foundation being laid, something on top of which the rest of the cards can be safely built. It’s the first completion in many ways. Consider the four directions, the four seasons, the four elements, even the four primary building blocks of matter: Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon, and Nitrogen. Simply put, this month—and perhaps this whole year—is your opportunity to create a new workflow with your feelings. Maybe that means acknowledging that your feelings are valuable and worthy of your attention. 

Most of the Capricorn’s I know use their unattended anxiety or despair to fuel their workaholic tendencies. Instead of feeling into the discomfort of their hearts, they hide in the satisfaction of their labors. But over time, no matter the size of their bank accounts, their life loses its richness—their senses dull, their hearts walled off from the inside. Don’t let this be you!  

So much of this currently astrological shitstorm is happening in the neighborhood of your Sun or Moon—you’re not crazy, there’s a lot to be feeling and you, above all other signs, need to find the courage required to face these deep feels. The Four of Cups signifies a time when we step out of the river and onto the banks. Why would we willingly step out of flow? So that we can allow our senses to renew themselves. We become numb to what we habitually do, and living numb is worse than death. Take advantage of this rare gift, gentle Capricorn; sink into your sensitivities, reawaken your subtle senses and be reminded what it’s like to really live from the inside out.



Ace of Wands (Reversed)

The Ace of Wands, even in the reversed position, is cause for celebration. It’s an explosive energy of inspiration and power. In some ways, the Ace can be seen as a return to the true source of your life. Sometimes this feels like a spiritual awakening, sometimes it manifests as a new creative obsession, but it always indicates that you are coming back to life in a major way.

Many people think the Tarot only works in one direction, from Ace to Ten, like you were climbing a ladder one rung at a time. But the Tarot also works when we count back from the Ten to the Ace. It’s a path that leads toward purity. Look at the Ace not so much as a beginning but a satisfying conclusion. Consider the Ten then, like the planet Pluto, its orbit is farthest from the central fire—fully disconnected from the source of its true power. Perhaps you spent last year feeling that way, like you couldn’t touch the Sun no matter how hard you tried. Always outside the party looking in. Well all that is about to change. Now you are sitting in the center of that great fire. 

In the reversed position, this card may indicate a slow burn. You may not wake up New Year’s Day with the energy of a supernova, but something in you is starting to ignite. Remember that the suit of Wands speaks to the things in our life that spark: our sexuality, spirituality, and creativity. Perhaps this card came in upside down to help you reimagine your relationship to the divine. Perhaps your creative process is about to undergo a major overhaul. Maybe you’re about to have the best sex of your life with someone you never thought you’d be attracted to. Either way, attune to what gets you hot, and you’re sure to uplevel your spirit in this year ahead.



Four of Swords

Fours in the Tarot represent a foundation being laid, something on top of which the rest of the cards can be safely built. It’s the first completion in many ways. Consider the four directions, the four seasons, the four elements, even the four primary building blocks of matter: Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon, and Nitrogen. In the suit of Swords, what’s being built is a new mental foundation we can trust to support the rest of our lives going forward. But how do you build out your mind? I think you have to start by looking back. We don’t make choices arbitrarily. We are products of our childhood, our relationships, and our environment. The more we can understand why we are the way we are, the more power we have over changing the choices that no longer serve us. Spending some time meditating on your past can help bring about clarity that isn’t available when you’re living it in real time. You may not realize how unhealthy, co-dependent, or even abusive a relationship was until you’re safely out of it. You may not fully understand how soul-sucking that last job was until you’ve spent a few months out of the office. The time is ripe for understanding how you got to where you are now.

Often what we resist learning persists in gaining our attention. The same lessons haunt us, stalk us, until we face them and learn their medicine. Similarly, this card wants you to mine the hidden gifts from the traumas of your past, both recent and long, long ago. The more courageous you can be in revisiting some of your more painful personal histories, the more you will understand why your brain functions in the unique way it does. As Winston Churchill wisely paraphrased, "Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it." This year wants to empower you against perpetuating old cycles that leave you feeling your worst. All you have to do is sit down, take heart, and look back.



Five of Pentacles

Fives in the Tarot are sacred contractions, think of five fingers closed to form a fist. This is a halfway point, a bend in the road, a realization that what you packed for your journey is all wrong. Pentacles are the suit of Earth, they speak to our body, our bank account, our career—if it has a material form,

Pentacles rule it. Therefore this card can indicate a lack of physical resources. But Pentacles also speak to the invisible magic that is hidden in ordinary things, and the Five is where

we realize we actually have everything we need—even if it doesn’t appear that way.

Necessity is and will always be the mother of invention. If you had more, you would do less. This moonth, maybe even this whole year, is about making a feast from the scraps in your pantry. I pulled the Five of Pentacles on a day in June when I sprained my ankle. Please observe that the image of this card is literally a beggar on crutches. It seemed like the worst thing that could happen. I was on a Shamanic retreat, far from home, and now physically impaired. And yet it proved to be an incredible blessing. I learned how to ask for help, from strangers no less. I learned how to sit still, to marinate in the teachings I had come to learn instead of just receiving them and carrying about my business as usual. To the uninitiated, the Five of Pentacles is a pain in the ass. To the awakened, it is an invaluable blessing.

Consider that the number Five is made up of the four elements plus the spirit. If you have been imprisoned by the world of matter, the Five is here to liberate you. To quote philosopher Manly P. Hall, “When the four elements have become the pedestal upon which the spirit stands as a city upon a hill and not with stone walls that close it in, then man has reached the spiritual number of the Five.” This will prove to be a powerful year for you, Aries, to revivify your spirit and connection to the Compassionate Cosmos.



The Lovers

The Lovers card is a phase of becoming that connects to our own adolescence. Think back to your own coming of age, when you began to claim your authenticity. This moonth, perhaps this whole year, is another claiming for you—claiming who you are now and who you would like to become. You see, it all boils down to choice: What will you choose? And for whom are you making your choices?  

Puberty is a frightening time, especially for queer children because we no longer have control over our desires. Even though Mom or Dad may have wanted something different for us, there comes a time when we make a stand for who we are going to love—or at least be attracted to. The Lovers card speaks to this sort of standing up for yourself. We don’t always get to choose why we are the way we are. We don’t always get to choose our passions. We certainly don’t get to choose our upbringing. But we do get to choose what to do with all of it. As a teacher of mine says, "We have 100% power to create change in ourselves in the moment." So, sweet Taurus, what will you choose?

The Lovers card is a time in our lives when we must be amorous with ourselves. If you were your own lover, how satisfied would you be in your current relationship? Do you give yourself permission to explore your edges, to tap into your duality? The Lovers is associated with Gemini, the sign of the twins. This means that this is a year to play with your own duality, your strength and sensitivity. Can you be a boss bitch and a high priestess? The Lovers say you can; the invitation is yours, but how will you RSVP? That choice is ultimately up to you.




The Moon (Reversed)

I have always loved The Moon card. Despite its slightly unnerving reputation, I have felt a deep kinship to this particular archetype. In the Tarot, the Moon charts the part of our journey when we begin to dive deeply into our strangeness, our shadow and our fear. It speaks to all the lunacy and madness that happens when we turn out the light. Carl Jung said, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." When we enter into The Moon, we are doing just that, reckoning with our unconscious and taking ownership for it. But The Moon is so much more than that.

I was in Northern California earlier this year, and I took myself to the Oakland Museum of Art for an exhibition called "Queer California." The installation that affected me most was a short documentary that compiled interviews with many different Native Americans who self-identified as queer. One man in the doc revealed that people either get their power from the Sun or the Moon. As a queer person, he said, "I get my power from the moon. I am a person of the moon," he elaborated, simply and proudly. And that is when I realized that The Moon card is about Queerness. For those who follow the status quo, this may well be a scary patch in the journey. But for those of us who have been different our whole lives, this card to speaks to the power of otherness.

Whether you identify as Queer or not, there is something queer about all of us. Can you liberate this piece of your identity from societal shame and inner shadow? The Moon would encourage you to celebrate the aspects of yourself that give you perspective from the norm, that free you up to be weird, unexpected, and strange. The Moon demands we honor our darkness, not hide from it. This moonth, hell this whole year, wants you to claim your inner weirdo and bring them out into the light of the moon.



Eight of Swords (Reversed)

Eights in the Tarot are portals to new dimensions; they want to take us somewhere better than where we currently are. In a lot of ways, they are trying to take us home—to help us remember who we really are, not as humans but as spirits in time. The

Eight of Swords, in particular, is about mental expansion. If we think of Swords as stories or thoughts, the Eight is where we recognize which stories are completely false. Your mind is either a cosmic gateway or an impenetrable prison—you can’t have it both ways. In this moment, you are ready to partner with your human mind to see new possibilities, new horizons that until now were unimaginable. 

The human mind is a tool. Think of a hammer; it can either build you a house or knock your skull in. Our minds are no different. The Eight of Swords signifies a moment in time where you can begin to see the self-sabotage, the self-limiting beliefs. You must take responsibility for your mind because left unchecked, it can undo you. The reversed position might indicate an unwillingness to expand beyond old ideas. Perhaps you feel safe in your prison of self-doubt. Maybe the old stories, as painful as they may be, bring you some sort of comfort. But you must be willing to venture out into the unknown.

Simply put, this card wants to take you somewhere you’ve never been before. Imagine a two-dimensional being discovering life in three dimensions, a television character stepping out from the screen into reality—there’s no way to describe what realms exist for you until you get there. This moonth—and maybe this whole year—will teach you how to tear down your self-imposed fortress of mediocrity. There is a strange and wondrous new world for you to explore, and the price of admission is getting out of your own way. How do you get out of your own way? The sages of En Vouge taught a master class on it: free your mind and the rest will follow.



Four of Wands

All the Leos I know had a pretty rough 2019, but in true Leo fashion they didn’t show it. They were brave, they were optimistic, but they were also suffering. There was a subtle, maybe even subterranean, breaking down and also a spiritual breaking through. This year you get to embrace the freedom and success that comes from acknowledging your own defeat. The Four of Wands is one of the most coveted and celebratory cards in the deck, and this moonth, or year, it’s yours!

Many people think the Tarot only works in one direction, from Ace to Ten, like you were climbing a ladder one rung at a time. But the Tarot also works when we count back from the Ten to the Ace. It’s a path that leads toward purity. If we follow the path of Wands as a countdown, the Five comes before the Four—and the Five of Wands is like a tornado that sweeps us clear. I think last year may have been a shake up, a wild firestorm that brought you to your knees so that you could start again—clearer, more honest, with more heart. You have learned how to manage your own essential nature, your energy, your enthusiasm. Now that you are ready, you are open to receive this benevolent Four of Wands.  

The image of the Four of Wands shows us a structure for your spirit. But your spirit cannot be housed in a building, which the figures walk away from. Instead, only four posts are erected, united with a garland. They seek not to contain your boundless power but rather define it. This is a structure for joy, for connection, for endless inspiration. You are this structure. And this moonth, perhaps this whole year, will teach you how to receive the success and satisfaction that has up till now eluded you.  



The Hierophant 

The Hierophant was one of the mystical priests of Ancient Greece. They ushered their disciples through sacred rites to become initiated into the great mysteries of existence. In the Tarot, this card is connected to Taurus, your Earth sign sister. Taurus is connected to the spirit of Earth herself, and many consider this to be the sign of the Shaman. You too have unlimited access to the healing powers and ancestral magic of Earth based on spiritual practice. The Hierophant would suggest you begin to learn a little bit about what that might entail.

When we embark on the journey of the Major Arcana, we meet the Hierophant early on. They anoint us and invite us to deepen our understanding of what lies ahead. For you, this year is one of higher learning and esoteric wisdom. The Hierophant refers to the exoteric teachings that will facilitate intuitive knowing. What exactly do I mean by that? Well, consider the Tarot itself. These 78 cards speak to archetypes and elements, structures and stories of old. They are outer forms that hint at inner wisdom. A good reader doesn’t just recite the card meanings like flash cards, they work with the knowledge to glean a more glimmering truth. They work with the form to busy their mind, that way their mind doesn’t block the psychic messages coming in.

Trust that the right books are appearing before you, the right teachers too. If a workshop sounds interesting and you don’t know why, it’s the Hierophant calling you to expand your vocabulary. Whether it’s pottery, Astrology, a Yoga retreat, or just reading the Untethered Soul, the more you can feed your desire for spiritual knowledge, the more open your psychic senses will become. Let this moonth, maybe even this whole year, be a graduate school for your soul.



Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords is known as the Nightmare Card—or as I

like to call it: The Drama Queen Card. Need I say more? 

Seriously though, I’m not here to read you for filth, I’m here to help you make the most of this final exam. You see, the Nines

in the Tarot are graduation—an opportunity to level up in a major way. But before you graduate, you gotta pass your classes. This next moonth, perhaps this whole next year, is

about learning how your mind works so that you can partner with it as opposed to being driven insane by it.

Why do I call this the Drama Queen card? Because it speaks to our tendency to believe every worst-case scenario our mind delivers. We stay up late fantasizing nightmarishly about every possible thing that could go wrong. But these massacres of the mind never come to pass. Why do we do this? I think our Ego plays out these horror films in our mind to gain a semblance of control over things that are truly out of our hands. We think if we prepare for every possible potential future, we will have a leg up on reality—but that’s not true. The only way to prepare for the future is to learn how to be present. Therefore all this blood and guts is a genuine waste of energy and time. Once we realize our minds operate in this way, we can avoid watching the whole film, or at least fast forward.

The Nine of Swords moment is actually one of the most profound transformations possible in the Tarot. You will learn how to transform fear into confidence. You will learn how to transform your mind from a wicked monster into a wise mystic. How? Enter into the heart of your fear. Pour it a cup of tea. Tease out where its panic is rooted. Recognize that fear is hiding something much more interesting: power that’s waiting for you to pick it up. No more running. No more hiding. Your mind may concoct some truly horrific things, but that doesn’t make them true—that just makes you creative and imaginative as hell. Use your imagination for your bolstering instead of your undoing—that sounds like a graduation to me!  



Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)

Ooh, gurl, I hope you like that show Extreme Home Makeover, because your whole life is about to undergo serious renovation. I mean it when I say buckle up and hold onto yourself, because the Wheel of Fortune is going to take you for a wild ride. She shows up when our outer world is in need of some serious rearranging. Connected to Jupiter, the luckiest planet in the sky, who amplifies whatever comes near. This next moonth, or even year, will prove to be a major turning point in your life. Trust that the changes are for your own personal expansion. They are good news—even if at first they don’t appear that way.

Everything that shows up in the outer-picturing of life is rooted back to our inner world. Therefore, these external surprises wouldn’t be popping up if you hadn’t begun making some very profound inner changes months ago. The more you work on yourself, the more your life reflects it. This is what the witches mean when they say, "As above, so below; as within, so without." So basically, you’re to blame for all your drama, but it’s all good; it’s fantastic, in fact. Because every new turn of the wheel brings you closer to your destiny.

Here’s the thing about a wheel that keeps on turning: there’s no safe place to stay still. You have to keep moving with it. If you sit on the top, you’ll eventually be crushed at the bottom. If you must find respite, seek out the center of the wheel—only there can you keep your cool. Remember this as your life picks up speed. Find the eye of whatever storm is passing through town and keep your eye on what this is all trying to teach you. I guarantee cash and prizes on the other side of the proverbial shit-storm.



Strength (Reversed)

Strength appears as a call to enter into the innermost chamber of your heart. The strength this card speaks to is not about force or brute power; rather, this phase of becoming invites you to discover your inner will, your quiet resolve to turn away from the outer world and attune to your most precious longings. Simply put, this moonth, perhaps even this whole year, is a slow excavation of what you truly want. Layer after layer, you get closer to the truth.

In the mythic journey of the Major Arcana, this card comes after you’ve reached material success. Your ego has achieved its goals. The book you dreamed of writing is now published. The paycheck you thought you wanted has been cashed. Your dream lover has put a ring on it. Now what? Well, that’s exactly the question posed by this card. Now that you have what you thought you wanted, what is the deeper yearning your soul longs to fulfill?

In the reversed position, this card can indicate an unwillingness to recede from society. You may continue to shop and eat and fuck your brains out, hoping against hope that something will change. Spoiler alert: it wont. Only you can change. And you do so by becoming better acquainted with your most loyal cheerleader and wise guide: your heart. Rainer Maria Rilke says it better than I ever could, so I leave you with him: 

Now you must go out into your heart

as onto a vast plain.

Now the immense loneliness begins.

The days go numb, the wind

sucks the world from your sense like withered leaves.

Through the empty branches the sky remains.

It is what you have.

Be earth now, and evensong.

Be the ground lying under that sky.

Be modest now, like a thing

ripened until it is real,

so that they who began it all

can feel you when they reach for you.


In need of more insight? Book a Tarot or Astrology reading with Brandon before the end of 2019 and save $10 with coupon code 2019GURLBYE. Find more information here.


BRANDON ALTER is a queer healer, Tarot reader, teacher, mystic and writer living in Los Angeles. He is passionate about sharing spiritual tools that have helped him reconnect to the wisdom of his heart. He is the Tarot reader in residence for The Numinous and he co-hosts The Spiritual Gayz with his husband, a twice-monthly podcast dedicated to exploring the wide reaches of spirituality, without pretending that it all makes sense. Brandon’s mom took him to his very first psychic when he was seven and gave him his first Tarot deck when he was eleven. Since then he has devoted himself to the study of Tarot, Yoga, Pilates, Reiki, Astrology and Shamanic Skills.

Visit to learn more. And to sign up for his twice-monthly newsletter, click here.


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