By John C. Alsedek:

We're back to the Lovecraftian well with this adaptation. Robert E. Howard is best remembered today as the creator of Conan the Barbarian, which is unfortunate because Howard was one of the finest horror writers of the 20th century. I really like this one; it has an Indiana Jones-meets-Cthulhu vibe to it!
Episode 9: "The Fire of Asshurbanipal" Stars: Christopher Duva, Steve Moulton, Rocky Cerda, and Daamen Krall
Two soldiers-of-fortune, marooned deep in the desert, stumble across a city of legend—and the unspeakable, ancient evil it houses.
Adapted for SUSPENSE by John C. Alsedek & Dana Perry-Hayes from the short story by Robert E. Howard.
SUSPENSE writer, producer, and radio-drama aficionado John C. Alsedek shares the history of early radio and television and the impact it has made on the world of entertainment in his ongoing series for Flapper Press.