By John C. Alsedek:

This is another one that was originally done on the 1940s SUSPENSE—I think Robert Montgomery played the lead. But we got some pretty high praise when a noted radio drama historian told me that, as much as he loved the original, this one was even better. Ron and Lizzie are sooooo good here.
Episode 25: "The House in Cypress Canyon" Stars: Ron Bottitta, Elizabeth Gracen, Rocky Cerda, Daniel Hackman, Brett Thompson, and Daamen Krall
Newlyweds rent a house in the hills above Hollywood only to find that it has a closet that cannot be opened—at least, not from the outside.
Adapted for SUSPENSE by John C. Alsedek & Dana Perry-Hayes from the radio play by Robert L. Richards.
SUSPENSE writer, producer, and radio-drama aficionado John C. Alsedek shares the history of early radio and television and the impact it has made on the world of entertainment in his ongoing series for Flapper Press.
I share his passion for radio drama.
Growing up I was introduced to old radio series as I went to the library to"check out cassettes" pool old shows.
I regularly listen to the classic radio on Siriux XM.
I have really enjoyed SUSPENSE being updated with new actors.
Looking forward to all new