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SUSPENSE—Episode 24: Red Rook, White King...Black Cat

John C. Alsedek

By John C. Alsedek:

While the vast majority of our SUSPENSE episodes are one-and-dones, we’ve been doing one or two episodes starring cat burglar Kitty Divine ever since this one. They’re a lot of fun to do, and let’s face it, Adrienne is perfect for the part. Great cast and a bit of a twist at the end.

Episode 24: "Red Rook, White King...Black Cat" Stars: Adrienne Wilkinson, David Collins, Ron Bottitta, Talon Beeson, Susan Eisenberg, Dana Perry-Hayes, and Steve Moulton

A priceless pair of emeralds are the key to warming U.S./Hungarian relations during the Cold War, but a cunning lady cat burglar has them in her sights.

Written especially for SUSPENSE by John C. Alsedek & Dana Perry-Hayes.


SUSPENSE writer, producer, and radio-drama aficionado John C. Alsedek shares the history of early radio and television and the impact it has made on the world of entertainment in his ongoing series for Flapper Press.



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