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SUSPENSE—Episode 23: Pigeons From Hell

John C. Alsedek

Updated: Mar 19, 2022

By John C. Alsedek:

Stephen King (who knows a bit about horror) called "Pigeons from Hell" one of the best horror stories of the twentieth century, and I tend to agree. It was adapted for the TV anthology Thriller and is outstanding television, but the short story has an extra twist that the teleplay doesn’t. We kept it in!

Episode 23: "Pigeons From Hell" Stars: Scott Henry, Daniel Hackman, Sean Hackman, and Daamen Krall

Two brothers dare to spend the night in an abandoned Southern mansion that lays under a hideous curse.

Adapted for SUSPENSE by John C. Alsedek & Dana Perry-Hayes from the short story by Robert E. Howard.


SUSPENSE writer, producer, and radio-drama aficionado John C. Alsedek shares the history of early radio and television and the impact it has made on the world of entertainment in his ongoing series for Flapper Press.



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