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Pet Emergency Preparedness


Let us consider our beloved pets and animals. What do you need to know about preparing for the unexpected when it comes to these prized members of our family?

Pet Emergency Preparedness

Keep a copy of your Pet Immunization Records, licenses, and any other important information you might need in a watertight ziplock bag and place it in a safe, fireproof container, or anywhere you can easily find it in case you ever need to evacuate your home.

First things first...

Fill in the Go To Gals Emergency Decal for PET ALERT.

This will notify an emergency responder of all the animals that live in your home.

We also recommend that you fill in the Emergency Pet Phone Numbers decal for easy reference in case of an emergency with your pet.

When it's 72 degrees Fahrenheit outside, the temperature inside your car can heat up to 116 degrees within an hour. On an 85-degree day, even with the windows slightly open, the temperature inside your car can reach 102 degrees in just 10 minutes. If you're held up for 30 minutes, you may return to a car that's 120 degrees inside and a pet who is suffering irreversible organ damage or death.

In an emergency situation, many rescue shelters such as the Red Cross will not accept pets (except for service animals) due to health and safety regulations. Call your local emergency management office, animal shelter, animal control, and your veterinarian for information and advice on emergency and evacuation procedures.

Become familiar with local animal non-profit rescue and care groups.


Animals instinctively sense severe weather changes. Often they will isolate themselves or run away when they are afraid. Bring them inside early if you know severe weather will


Before, during, and after an emergency, your animal’s behavior may change. Watch them closely for aggressive behavior due to stress and disorientation.

It is a good idea to separate your dogs and cats during an emergency. Even though they may normally be great friends, pets can act irrationally in emergency situations. Keep small pets away from larger dogs and cats.

If you have a Bird, contact your veterinarian and pet store for information about dispensers that regulate the amount of food and water dispensed. You should have a cage and cloth to cover the cage to keep the bird warm and to help reduce its stress. Have a spray bottle of water to periodically spritz your bird’s feathers in hot weather. Keep an identification band around your bird’s leg. Try to keep the bird in as quiet an area as possible.

If you have a Reptile, use a pillowcase to transport it in case of evacuation. Store a large bowl for the pet to soak in. Consider storing a heating pad or warming device.

If you own a Small Animal (hamster, mouse, guinea pig, gerbil, etc.), it should be secured and transported in a carrier with all food and water equipment.

Keep in mind that in the event of flooding, snakes and other dangerous animals may move into your area.

Downed power lines are hazards for animals.

If you have to leave your home with your pet during or after an emergency, be aware that they may panic.

If you are asked to stay put during an emergency (Shelter-in-place), consider crating your pets for their own safety. When you leave with them, make sure to leash or contain them.

Store the following supplies with your Home Emergency Supplies.

Make sure you rotate the food (dry) and water every 2 months.

Have a current photo of you with your pet in case your pet gets lost.

Check all medications for expiration dates.

Purchase or create your own Animal First Aid Kit, which should include:



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