By Angel Lopez:

October offers you a healthy burst of motivation, kicking it off on the 6th when Mars conjoins with the Libra New Moon.
New Moons offer some fresh-start energy, where you can set intentions and put new goals or plans into motion.
In the sign of Libra, it’s all about how you partner, so you may find an infusion of possibility rush into some of your relationships. You’ll see a light shine on the people currently around you and notice who is showing up for you in meaningful ways. However, this could illuminate some difficult aspects in a relationship too, pushing you to assert your power and speak up for what you need. You may feel like others are standing in the way of your next great move, so make any adjustments in the relationship that can help you gain a greater ability to push your wishes to the forefront. Pluto also shifts direct this day, so a reclamation of personal power is yours for the taking. This may not necessarily be in reference to partnering with another. This may involve how you partner with some aspect of yourself, like your mentality, your creativity, your body, or a spiritual practice. So if you’ve simply needed to be a stronger ally for yourself, now’s the time to make some commitments.

Venus gets a lovely change of scenery when it moves into Sagittarius on the 7th. The planet of relationships and love moves into this fiery sign of exploration, knowledge, and travel, where she’ll be through the first week of November. In this sign, Venus wants us to connect with others who broaden your horizons and bring some joy and light into your life.
Say yes to the exciting experiences that someone is presenting your way.
Sign up for the course that’s grabbed your attention and get engaged in a community around a subject you love. Ingest all of the books and share any newfound wisdom with a friend. Venus may even want to introduce you to some new folks for a greater dose of excitement.
On the 9th, Mars continues using its willful force when it aligns with both the Sun and Mercury in Libra. Mars is interested in your ability to take action, so you may find a desire to make moves. However, you could feel challenged by the speed at which others choose to move. Know that everyone is feeling the urge to take action, and your top priority may not be theirs. That isn’t a reason to toss the relationship out. The New Moon taught you to notice who is truly on your side when it comes to helping you align with your goals. But those who support you can’t work solely for you, so you must continue to adjust how the partnership works, as well as any expectations you’ve placed on others. Note that your responses to some may stem from traumas of the past that others actually inflicted on you. See everyone in your sphere with eyes of the present so as not to mistake them for a ghost of the past.
Three planets have direct motion shifts after varying lengths of retrograde stints. On the 10th, Saturn stations to go direct again after a retrograde that began toward the end of May. Saturn rules your work, your responsibilities, and your fears. On the day of this shift, you may find clarity around the work you’ve been doing or in how to better manage your schedules and tasks. You may also have a moment where you have to confront one of your fears, so let this be an opportunity to transcend it. Also know that whatever you put work into this summer will start to get some more momentum as you move into the last quarter of the year.
The 17th ushers Jupiter into its shift direct, allowing for a greater flow of optimism, abundance, and growth. Jupiter wants to widen your circle and push you into a greater existence. This day can be a time that helps alleviate some loneliness and reminds you of your place in the world. This retrograde has been up since the end of June, so whatever you were trying to grow these last three months is ready to get back in bloom.
Lastly, the 18th has Mercury end its three-week trip of trickery, bringing with it a stronger sense of understanding in where you stand with everyone around you.
Your mind may feel like it’s emerging from a fog and is better able to make sense of all the ideas you’ve been juggling, or at least to choose one to focus on.

The Aries Full Moon occurs on October 20th, and Mars is still invested in pushing you toward activating your goals. But with this moon, you will need to release anything that is still standing in the way of your will. This may just be about ego. Have you held on to a fight just for the sake of wanting to be right? Perhaps you’ve believed so deeply in one direction for something in your life that you’ve been shut down to the multiple attempts of assistance that have been offered to you by others.
The Universe could even be trying to send you signs that you’ve just ignored because you’ve been narrow minded.
Widen your eyes and see everything clearly. Listen with all your might. And remember what your greater goal is, because you may see you’ve been fighting against something that will actually get you closer and faster to what you want.
Scorpio season commences on October 22nd, marking that time of year when you can connect more deeply with your innermost feelings and intuition, make sure that you’re not hiding from any of your deepest truths, and welcome in any of your shadow aspects that you usually shame out of the light.
Halloween is the perfect expression of this season, as it’s when people feel most comfortable letting some aspect of themselves shine through that would normally be tucked away. This is when you open up more to the depths of your psychology and can find a willingness to throw any old emotional patterns into the fire of transformation. You also have an opportunity to engage with others in a more intimate way. Just make sure not to bring too much intensity or you may scare them away. Instead, try to meet everyone where they are and work more closely with forgiveness and acceptance. If you can turn all of this energy within on yourself, even better.
Use this moment, and this entire month, to love on yourself more than you have this whole year. You’re worthy of all the flowers and admiration. Give it to yourself, first and foremost.
Angel Lopez is a film producer, writer, astrologer, and co-host of the podcast, THE SPIRITUAL GAYZ alongside his husband, our Spiritual Guru Brandon Alter. Angel has been studying and working with both tarot and astrology for twenty years. He hosted the astrology web-series, ASTRO TALK WITH ANGEL, and writes the blog ASTROLOGY REALNESS. He has also had pieces published on and The Huffington Post.
On the film side, Angel produced the Sundance Film Festival award winning film DEAR WHITE PEOPLE, as well as the features THE DINNER and STATE LIKE SLEEP. He also wrote and directed his own short film, I CAN’T WITH YOU, which had its premiere at the 2016 HollyShorts Film Festival, and he recently finished producing filmmaker Justin Simien’s second feature, BAD HAIR.
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