By Angel Lopez:

This year has shoved me further into my light. That’s come both through some intensely challenging moments, like standing in front of my family and friends to deliver my father’s eulogy, and some exciting opportunities, like presenting my first professional pitch to a major studio on a television series that I’ve created. Through it all, I’ve had to face so much of my past and present and stand in complete ownership of my entire identity. It’s been overwhelming to say the least. But the work for me as of late has been around gaining an acceptance of what my life is asking of me without getting caught up in the melodrama of my schedule and the “it’s all so hard” mentality, which is easy for any of us to get caught up in when our days and routines feel like a tower we have to climb in hopes of finding a treasure at the top. But the real treasure we seek is actually just the ability to embody the truest, most authentic expressions of ourselves, no matter the challenges or opportunities that life shines our way.
What do we need to do to get supremely comfortable letting all of our light shine?
November’s astrology has the momentum to help you push yourself forward without holding anything back. It opens up right in the heart of Scorpio Season, a time that wants you to plummet into the depths of your emotional ocean and get more familiarized with the tides of your heart. At times, it’s so much easier to just move through life suppressing your feelings or to just simply sweep them under the bed to be dealt with on a rainy day. But that type of response pattern fosters resentment and self-loathing, as then you blame yourself for not standing up for your own needs in the moment. Well, Scorpio is here to help, as its energy is not interested in hiding the truth. It wants to better equip you to speak up as needed. It wants to deepen your relationship with passion. It wants you to feel fully alive. And it wants to clear the channel to your shadow self, bringing shames of the past into the light for re-examination.

The Scorpio New Moon occurs on November 4th, marking a time of initiation. But it’s tied to the greater story of this year for you. How have you been trying to assert yourself in ways that maybe scared you in the past? Pursuing paths that didn’t seem possible? Forging out from relationships that held you back? Leaving behind career paths that didn’t hold a place in your heart? Or maybe you’re just releasing old belief systems or action patterns that have kept you feeling stagnant or hollow.
Be aware of what’s been brewing and moving for you and know that this new moon is a time to urge yourself forward.
Take this moment to define yourself by where you’re heading, not where you’ve been. Sure, some of the past is still relevant in building your future, but how can you truly stand in the power of who you’ve become and are becoming without holding on to the story of the past?
November 5th finds two large planetary shifts occurring for Venus and Mercury. Venus, the planet of luck and partnering, moves into the sign of Capricorn, allowing us all to take a more measured approach to how we align with others. You may find yourself a bit more focused in how you deal with people and can get a clearer sense of who can help you accomplish your goals. Just be careful not to use people solely for what they can do for you. And make sure that who you’re committing to in any kind of way right now is someone you’d actually want to be around for more than a week. Mercury, the planet of communication, also shifts into a new sign, leaving behind the kind, pacifying sign of Libra for the intensely probing sign of Scorpio.
You may find your thoughts and ideas digging more into the depths of their meaning, unable to waste time on the frivolity of small talk.
In Scorpio, Mercury wants you to cut to the chase and say what’s on your mind; just be sure not to cut anyone in the process.

On November 10th, the planets align and struggle in an intriguing way as Mars and Mercury grapple with some conflicting energy from Saturn. Mars, the planet of action, meets up with Mercury in Scorpio, which adds a level of excitement to any idea-driven activities. The mind can partner up with sheer will to really manifest that day, but it won’t come easy. The two of them will engage in a square to Saturn, the master of work and structure. Squares are challenges, so you may find yourself excited to go one way while a responsibility you have wants to pull you in another. You may also have the opportunity to make some headway on a passion project or partnership, but you’ll have to push yourself through any lingering fears. Whatever comes, face everything that day with presence, persistence, and a strong sense of inner power. Don’t let anyone steal your shine. Even if you have to work within the construct of someone else’s plan that day, you still have to allow yourself to stand in your own unique brilliance.

November’s full moon in Taurus on the 19th is a powerhouse, as it continues the story of pushing you to build toward manifesting your dreams in tangible ways. This ties back to the story that began at the start of 2020, so think back on what changes you were feeling inspired to make then and check in on your progress. If you haven’t done much to push yourself toward those goals, then use this full moon time to release a roadblock, whether it’s an internal or external one. You may find you need to go deep too and really ask yourself what may be holding you back. Is it something from your past you just haven’t wanted to face? Or perhaps something you’ve convinced yourself you’ve moved on from but clearly haven’t? We sometimes tell ourselves that we don’t have those confidence issues anymore, or that we’re not bothered when so-and-so acts the way we do. “I’m above all that now.” But are you truly? If so, bravo and forge on. Just make sure that you’re really sitting with yourself and the truth so as not to be paving over insecurities that could become larger cracks in the foundation.

On November 21st, the Sun moves into Sagittarius, bringing in four weeks of light geared toward exploration, enjoyment, and a connection with your beliefs. Sagittarius really loves to learn and expand through a greater understanding of the world and their place in it. So for each of us, this can be a time to broaden our horizons. To think a bit bigger and gain any experience we may need to move toward a bigger life. A few days later, on the 24th, Mercury joins the Sun there, which allows for a greater clarity around your beliefs and how they help shape the experience of your existence. Follow any mental whims. Question everything and commit to getting answers. Be unabashedly bold in your line of questioning too.
Try your best to get to the root of any and all things that cross your path and see how they fit into your world.
You may find some things that have taken up space in your life no longer fit, and you can use this time to say bon voyage. The Sun and Mercury actually meet up directly on the 28th for what will surely be a chatty day. Make sure that you find some time to be with yourself and show some love to your passions, desires, and your own beloved interests.
This is your life to foster and see bloom. So water your heart, mind, and spirit with great care.
Angel Lopez is a film producer, writer, astrologer, and co-host of the podcast, THE SPIRITUAL GAYZ alongside his husband, our Spiritual Guru Brandon Alter. Angel has been studying and working with both tarot and astrology for twenty years. He hosted the astrology web-series, ASTRO TALK WITH ANGEL, and writes the blog ASTROLOGY REALNESS. He has also had pieces published on and The Huffington Post.
On the film side, Angel produced the Sundance Film Festival award winning film DEAR WHITE PEOPLE, as well as the features THE DINNER and STATE LIKE SLEEP. He also wrote and directed his own short film, I CAN’T WITH YOU, which had its premiere at the 2016 HollyShorts Film Festival, and he recently finished producing filmmaker Justin Simien’s second feature, BAD HAIR.
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