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November 2019 Numerology with Maria Beale Fletcher


By Maria Beale Fletcher:

Image:  alanflai on VisualHunt
Image: alanflai on VisualHunt

November 2019 is all about hard work and reaping what we sow. Attitude is what counts this month as we go about our daily tasks.

Attitude is the bottom line, and solely our responsibility to manage.

The process of our work determines how we feel about ourselves. We can feel good about our participation in the day's activities, or we can poison our work and, subsequently, the end result with a malicious or rotten perception.

The good news is that it's our call, and we can always change our outlook. Living in the past is a choice that does not serve us nor does it help to create the new end result we say we want.

Living in the present moment creates an atmosphere of possibilities that raises our awareness of potential future outcomes.

To live in the moment as a philosophy of life is refreshingly infectious. The vibration of that energy is felt by all who have not deadened themselves to its healing touch. 

When we care about ourselves enough to nurture our souls, we nourish others with the same loving energy.

With a shift in attitude that allows us to recognize that solutions are abundantly available, we can decide to participate in the harvest and execution of those desired outcomes.


Image: Bird in the Hand on Visualhunt
Image: Bird in the Hand on Visualhunt

Number 1, this month your authentic words of wisdom, born of experience, inspire all those with whom you connect. Friends, family, and clients who depend on you for revealing insights into the challenges of life are gently guided to the education they need to overcome their difficulties. Your unique way of counseling and the inspirational stories you tell them help anchor and secure their healing.

To continue the arduous task of sharing the burdens of the many who seek your counsel, it is imperative to get enough rest. Take time to meditate and nurture yourself. If the well runs dry, you will have nothing to give. That won't happen if you value yourself as you value others.

In your daily practice, be sure to be discerning in the selection of those who would take your time. Stay away from some who would use you solely to their advantage. You can only feel drained for so long before you're depleted of your precious energy. It serves no one for you to shoulder the full load by yourself. If you do that, a growing resentment sets in, and the other individual does not benefit or learn his or her lessons.

Remember that others want to reciprocate and lovingly contribute to the manifestation of your dreams. Practice being the happy recipient of their gifts as they have been of yours. You are more than deserving of all the goodness that the Universe has in store for you. This is a wonderful time to show gratitude for the growing abundance in your life. What you notice, you will receive more of.


Number 2, this November 2019 proves to be remarkable in every way possible! Your ability to inspire and uplift those within your inner circle is delightful. Your materialized ideas provide the foundation necessary for the continued success of your personal and professional life. This year, you and your friends are truly blessed by your creativity.

Yes, there will be hard work involved as you lay out the plans that will bring huge success to your creative projects from which everyone will benefit. Your drive and determination will see you through any nagging doubts that occasionally may surface.

The need to pursue your studies drives you to many hours online and in libraries in search of rare documents and books that support your theories. You may be invited to social events and then decide to leave early, if you go at all.

Be sure to get enough rest in the coming days. Protect your solitude and alone time to pursue your many interests. Stay away from the naysayers. Honor your inner voice.


November 2019 is a month of communicating your ideas loud and clear, Number 3. You become the expert in knowing when, where, and how to broadcast your information to the public!

Flexibility is your middle name as you jump through hoops—easily and to the delight of your constituents—while you distribute your heartfelt message to those with eyes and ears to see and hear!

Did you know that behaving as the natural CEO that you are could be so much fun?

There's a lot of travel in the days ahead until the end of 2019. Keep your bags packed and not too full! Your talents for managing things and inspiring your friends, family, and community open doors for you to exciting new experiences. Embrace it all! You deserve all these good things happening to you and your business as a result of your perseverance and hard work.


Number 4, this November you are absolutely enchanting as your energy soars to new heights and encourages everyone within its sphere of influence. You have personal magnetism this month that is especially strong. Govern yourself with discernment and do not misuse this fortunate vibration.

As money, gifts, and favors find their way to you, be sure to express your appreciation and gratitude. However, examine your motives if you even suspect you are bedazzled and possibly influenced by selfish purposes. 

You readily share your gifts of music and art this eleventh month of 2019. Make sure not to give the store away while you pursue your humanitarian instincts. Though you may feel happy to express your generosity in beautiful and creative ways, be forewarned that not everyone will want to reciprocate with your loving energy.

Some will desire to take advantage of your good nature, trying to manipulate while also deceiving you. Unlike you, not everyone is honest, direct, and with good intentions this month. Keep your heart open and your antenna up.


November 2019 is an awesome and powerful month for you, Number 5! You are up and away with magnificent insights into the hearts and minds of those you encounter. Keep your bag packed and lightly so! You want to be able to stay flexible and leave for the airport on a moment's notice.

Not everyone will be able to keep up with you this month. But that's okay; they do not share your priorities. Only the dedicated, strong hearts will want to follow your wise counsel and walk the steep, narrow path where you lead.

Try to reduce the anxiety you may feel from time to time by reminding yourself to trust in your feelings, to trust your gut. You have a special message to deliver to people everywhere who want to honor and use their innate gifts and yet are hesitant to do so.

Your gift to them is in showing how they can bring joy to their lives in unique ways.

Remember, when you're tempted to become discouraged, not everyone is ready or willing to accept joy and happiness in their life. For some, that is an unknown never experienced. Be patient with yourself and others as you forge new trails in a direction others have never traversed. When the vision of the future is clear, the courageous appear.

Image: mrsdkrebs on
Image: mrsdkrebs on

This November is a month of psychic insight for you, Number 6. All year long you've been in preparation for your time to share your beautiful energy with the world in such a way that the outcome of your teachings supports your philosophy of life.

This eleventh month of 2019, your spirit rises triumphant over the difficulties of earlier months when you wondered if, in fact, you would have enough energy to see all your projects through to the finish line.

You shine from now to the end of the year as you balance your material world with your spiritual world. It's not an easy thing to accomplish, but you have what it takes.

With all your ideas giving birth to numerous solutions, be sure to take a moment to see each one through in your mind's eye. Guard against impulsivity and impatience.

Support the loving, peaceful methods for accomplishing your goals. When you do that, success is sure to follow. As the loving energy that you are, positive people with bountiful resources will find you.


# 7

This November, Number 7, will be memorable for your attitude. When you meet treachery and deception from both "friends" and enemies with love and forgiveness, you create an atmosphere in which anything is possible.

What we focus on brings more of that into our lives. Choose carefully your attitude before giving into the ego's temptation for revenge; you know by experience that won't produce the positive outcomes you genuinely desire.

Contemplate for a bit on what you truly want to create in your life, what you want to live and experience. You know your thoughts determine your reality. Meditation will create a safe harbor from which to develop your goal's blueprint.

Acting out will only create chaos and confusion. Only with adequate sleep, rest, and deep silence will you be able to produce your desired creations—be they artistic (as in the performing arts, the written word) or politics and the law. As your attitude directs your energy, you will be totally in charge and responsible for your outcomes!


# 8

Number 8, you are blessed this November as you lead the way to success in all that you do. The winning factor, of course, is your attitude and your ability to focus with that positive and generous mindset on the solutions your mind so brilliantly creates.

While others have narrowed their focus to only see obstacles on the path they've always traversed, you've determined there are better paths waiting to be created! And you know you're the one to give them birth!

With numerous solutions at your fingertips, after working at the drawing board and walking the new path you have laboriously forged, you lead your team to victory!

As the new leader, you know how to delegate to those who have the special talents to help you make it happen in a timely fashion.

November 2019 is your time to shine, Number 8. Enjoy the spotlight and the financial gains that come with a job well done!


# 9

Number 9, your ability to successfully and intuitively navigate your way to your goal this November endears you to your friends and family. It's as if you've had an inner awakening, and you've decided you can let go of the habits and attitudes that have never served you. By doing so, you free yourself of impediments that have held you stuck in negative patterns for longer than you wish to acknowledge. 

Don't condemn yourself now for having waited to take the action necessary to lighten your load. Though you are an old soul, you also can learn new behaviors like the rest of us have had to do.

This month will fly by as you put into place all your plans for creating your beloved projects and goals. You will be a joyful presence and the life of the party as family and friends vie for your attention. Your social life will come to life once again!

The humanitarian side of your personality reaches out to those who will benefit from your heartfelt contributions. By giving your loving attention to those less fortunate, you benefit as much as they do, maybe even more.  


Maria Beale Fletcher is a professional numerologist who specializes in Chaldean Numerology. If you would like a private reading with Maria for your own personal numerological chart, please contact


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