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New Year Astrology with Angel Lopez

Angel Lopez

Updated: Jan 12, 2022

By Angel Lopez:

2022 is here, which even just typing that feels like I’ve walked into a science fiction novel. But alas, we have found our way to a new year, and there is some solid cosmic “new beginnings” energy in the air given the Capricorn New Moon.

The New Moon on January 2 supports all of us in forging toward a new direction, one in which we can each feel more in sync with our heart’s call and spirit’s vision for our lives.

We do still have to push beyond any fears or self-criticisms we may have for ourselves, but if we can commit to the bigger picture of what we want to achieve, it will make each step we have to take much more manageable. Mercury, the planet of the mind, also shifts into Aquarius at this time, supporting the start of this new year as a good time to speak about any greater long-term goals and to put some focused intention into them.

The second week of the month welcomes some intensity, with a mixed bag when it comes to degrees of challenge. On the 9th, the Sun and Venus meet up in Capricorn, illuminating the values you keep and how they play out in your relationships. Let this be a day where you check in on any partnerships and make sure that everyone is still in alignment with one another. In order for any relationship to work properly, there has to be a commonality of understanding and respect, so if any of that is missing, adjust the way things are working or consider an exit strategy. On the 14th, Mercury enters a retrograde phase in the sign of Aquarius, which just means that the last two weeks of January will involve a lot of rethinking, rewriting, rewording, and regrouping when it comes to ideas and projects. It’s not the best time to initiate a plan, but you may find a new way into one that’s already in motion or solve a problem that’s been hounding you for too long. Most importantly, don’t rush yourself. Take your time in making decisions now so as not to get caught up in having even more problems to solve later.

On the 17th comes the Cancer Full Moon, a time to tap into intuition and emotion. And those feelings will be mighty deep with this one, as Pluto, the planet of deep psychology and soul transformation, will be aligned right up with it. You may find an intensity around your emotions, or your sixth sense may just start buzzing as you find yourself tapped into a profound well of inner knowing. Take some time to get quiet with yourself and ask any questions you’ve been searching for answers on. Give over to the flow and pay attention to gut hunches and signs. You may just gain some insights into how to proceed and what direction to head.

The Nodes of the Moon, which are all about energies we need to call in and release, will shift into the signs of Taurus and Scorpio on the 18th. This change can compel you to build for the future by letting go of any pains and shames of the past that hinder your forward growth.

You are also challenged to move more toward what you love and brings you pleasure. It’s time to look ahead while considering that there’s no going back to old ways and fears.

Evolve beyond those past fears and try to shed any layers of self-doubt that may have been put on you by other people.

Actually, this entire year is a good time to wake up to where you’ve allowed other people’s voices to become your own.

It’s really easy to let outside ideas color your own, but you don’t have to subscribe to them any longer. This day also shifts the planet Uranus direct after months and months of retrograde energy. You may find some opportunities or simply clarity around changes you’ve been trying to make. Take advantage of them when they show up.

The month’s astrology ends with big energetic shifts for the Sun, Mars, and Mercury. The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th, which infuses everyone’s energy with a sense of innovation and excitement. It inspires us all to communicate more about how we as a collective can improve and create change. This can happen in your household, your community, or on an even greater scale. If you feel ignited to get engaged in some way, follow that passion. Again, even if it’s just how to better operate at home in a way that improves things for everyone, it’s valuable. Mars then shifts into Capricorn on the 24th, which brings with it a sense of ambition and drive. Do your best to harness it and get productive where it’s needed.

You can make some real progress if you move ahead with a strong sense of purpose.

Then, on the 26th, Mercury makes its retrograde way back into Capricorn, where it spends the rest of the month. With this venture back, it offers a chance to reconsider a larger plan you began back in December. You can make changes in ways that may at first seem derailing, but they’ll ultimately make for a stronger game plan in the end.

This is January’s strong suit in general. Its astrology wants to help us vision and strategize for this year ahead in a way that gives us something to believe in.

And hasn’t it been a while since we’ve all felt like we have something to believe in? Don’t we deserve that?


Angel Lopez is a film producer, writer, astrologer, and co-host of the podcast, THE SPIRITUAL GAYZ alongside his husband, our Spiritual Guru Brandon Alter. Angel has been studying and working with both tarot and astrology for twenty years. He hosted the astrology web-series, ASTRO TALK WITH ANGEL, and writes the blog ASTROLOGY REALNESS. He has also had pieces published on and The Huffington Post.

On the film side, Angel produced the Sundance Film Festival award winning film DEAR WHITE PEOPLE, as well as the features THE DINNER and STATE LIKE SLEEP. He also wrote and directed his own short film, I CAN’T WITH YOU, which had its premiere at the 2016 HollyShorts Film Festival, and he recently finished producing filmmaker Justin Simien’s second feature, BAD HAIR.

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