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Meet Anne Trominski

Writer: Derek MayDerek May

Updated: Sep 3, 2022

By Derek May:

Having thoroughly enjoyed the articles Anne Trominski has graciously written for us here at Flapper Press detailing her experiences walking the (mostly) vegan road, we thought it was high time to get to know her even better. Well, for you to get to know her better—I have had the privilege of being her boyfriend for nearly five years now, and I can’t wait for you all to share in the joy that is knowing this remarkable and talented lady. So without further ado, let’s get into it, shall we?

DM: First, thank you so much for agreeing to contribute your amazing insights to all our Flapper Press readers. We’ve absolutely loved your articles! They’ve gotten some of the best feedback and reception thus far. So thank you!

AT: Awwwwwww (blush!). Thanks for having me! It’s been fun so far!

DM: Your articles have been light and fun in addition to being extremely informative. You obviously have a passion for food and how it relates to our lives. Tell us a bit about what food means to you, and how you’ve come to educate yourself about that world.

AT: I am definitely a dyed-in-the-wool foodie. I love all kinds of food: junk food, gourmet food, and everything in between. I love trying new foods, posting pictures of my food, talking about food . . . Food is such an essential element of our lives, but it isn’t just a necessity like water or air, it’s been completely incorporated to our social lives and culture. It’s amazing how food has even shaped historical events; remember, Columbus left Spain looking for spices. You can learn a lot about people by studying food. The art of cooking also falls somewhere between magic potions and science. Why we prepare things the way we do, and what we choose to prepare is fascinating. Did you know the next big protein is supposed to be bugs? BUGS! The more I learn about food, the more curious I get.

DM: Your series thus far has been about the struggles and benefits of eating plant-based. Tell us how you got into that lifestyle and why you find it so beneficial.

AT: Like most people I struggle with the idea of what it means to be healthy. Quite frankly, the more I learn about living a healthy lifestyle, the more it comes back to plants. Plants and exercise. The solution to so many problems—heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s—comes back to that dynamic duo. My specific problem of the moment is inflammation. My doctor suggested a plant-based diet as part of my holistic approach toward dealing with my chronic pain. I was already doing a low-fat protein, fiber-heavy diet so it wasn’t really that hard a switch. Plus, there are so many great side effects when you go plant-based (more energy, weight-loss, good skin, lower cholesterol . . . ) that it really seems like a no brainer. But knowing a thing and applying a thing are two very differing things. I know when I’ve got the plant-based eating and regular exercise going in full good-habit mode, it works. I feel great! So, why don’t I do it all the time? That’s my challenge of the moment.

DM: There are so many useful tidbits peppered throughout your work, but what’s the biggest piece of advice you can give someone trying to eat healthier?

AT: Be kind to yourself. Anyone trying to be healthier, start with your mental attitude. It’s really hard to do anything if you believe you are going to quit and you tell yourself you’re going to fail and that you’re doing it wrong and there’s no help for you. If you can say some nice things to yourself, like “I can do this,” “I am capable of doing this,” or “I am strong enough to do this,” it’s amazing how much easier it will be. The first step to change is believing that you can change.

DM: As a foodie who loves to experience new restaurants and recipes, what is your all-time favorite dish? And on the flip side, what foods do you absolutely refuse to eat?

AT: That question is impossible to answer! There are too many good foods out there! Plus, I really feel like I should choose something healthy, what with the blog theme and all! (So, I won’t bring up my Mother’s homemade German chocolate cake.) I’m not sure it’s my all-time favorite (let’s face it, that changes too much), but right now I’m all about miso ramen soup with lots and lots of shitake mushrooms! It’s vegan comfort food! Start with some shishito peppers, serve with a little sparkling sake, and finish with matcha mochi for dessert—mmmm, that’s a meal. (Drools slightly.) What do I refuse to eat? BUGS! I don’t care if they are the new protein! Bleh! More run-of-the-mill, I don’t get why celery’s a thing. I’ll throw it in stews and stuff for the fiber, but I don’t get how people can just chew on that raw. It’s a waste of chewing.

DM: Digging a little deeper here, tell us a little bit about what you do when you’re not writing for us? What sort of passions do you have besides food?

AT: I love to travel! I work a full-time job so I can go on vacation! To quote Susan Sontag, “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” I try to go to at least one new place every year. Other than that, I’m a pretty big geek who loves books, comics, and movies. You can find me cosplaying at the con while haggling over Funko POP prices. I’m also a music junkie that’s always looking for the next concert to go to. Have you heard “Rose of Sharon” by Mumford and Sons? Download it now, thank me later. Oh, and art! We’ve got some great art museums in San Antonio, so I try to take advantage of them as often as possible.

DM: All of us here at Flapper Press have loved your pieces thus far, but tell us a bit about what you have in store. What sort of topics and angles might you be exploring for us in the future?

AT: I want to focus on the mental side of healthy eating. Americans in general have a pretty warped relationship when it comes to food and eating. Very love/hate. Very schizo. If I can help anyone else deal with that while I deal with it, I’d be happy. I also love to cook, so I hope to share some of my vegan cooking adventures with everybody. For instance, if you’re new to tofu, you’ve got to press it before cooking. Trust me.

DM: Thank you again, Anne, for sharing your life and love of food with us all. We (and me in particular) are lucky to have you!

AT: Just remember you said that when I make seitan for dinner this week.

Be sure to check out Anne's series here and subscribe to keep up with the latest!


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