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Meet Am4Teens


Updated: Sep 3, 2022

By Audrey Willett:

Am4Teens is a non-profit that aims to solve global problems by collaborating with organizations to provide students with the opportunity to solve global problems through community-changing projects without worrying about transporting to volunteer sites outside of their state/country/region. Please enjoy our interview with its founder and team members below.

AW: Tell us all about you and your organization!

AW: Why do you think it’s important for your generation to let their voices be heard?

AW: Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future?

AW: What are the most important issues facing our world right now? And in the future?

AW: What does your organization offer that helps the world be a better place?

AW: Will you be voting in the next election?

AW: Please tell us all about your current campaigns, projects, and endeavors. Tell everyone where to find you online and on social platforms.

AW: If there is anything else you would like to say, please do!

Here is our website: as well as more info on our organization:


Audrey W is a non-profit that aims to solve global problems by collaborating with other organizations. They want to get youth involved in humanitarian efforts. Please enjoy our interview with its founder and team members below. elow. low. ow. w. .


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