By The Spiritual Gayz:
Not gonna lie, Eclipse Season is intense; especially the day before the Eclipses themselves. Tomorrow's Lunar Eclipse in Taurus may have you feeling a profound emotional buildup, and the important thing to remember is: this feeling will pass. However, what's coming up for you is wanting your attention. You see, Eclipse energy can be so uncomfortable that we feel the need to fix it immediately—like, things have to change, and now! But they don't. In fact, it's not a great idea to make any big decisions right around an Eclipse, if you can help it. Rather, notice the way you're feeling in your life, and then between the Lunar and Solar Eclipses you can start to initiate some change.
That all having been said, sometimes we don't get the opportunity to make changes because the changes make us. And Eclipses are notorious for shaking up our lives in major ways that we have little control over. This is because Eclipses put us in contact with the Nodes of Fate. The Nodes themselves are invisible trigger points in the sky where the orbit of the Moon around the Earth and the orbit of the Earth around Sun intersect. Every six months or so, when the Sun and Moon get within 15 degrees of the Nodes of Fate, Eclipses are imminent.
The energy of an Eclipse is intense but not necessarily punishing. It can feel heavy and hard, but the truth is, Eclipses just bring to the surface what's been there all along. At their essence, Eclipses shake us up and shake us free. It’s a moment when all the cards are on the table. And now, having all the information, we can choose how to proceed.
The best thing you can do during an Eclipse is to take it easy AF. Be tender to yourself. Eclipses are big energies, and we are just tiny human people. No offense. Like the energy of a Full Moon, these lunations are best respected by allowing them their reign. Stay out of their way and let it work on you. Trust that the Eclipse is trying to get you closer to your destiny, not pull you further off path.
We'll have one more Eclipse next month, with the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. So we encourage you to come join us this Monday for Astro Club! We'll explore Eclipse Season in greater detail and relish in all the festivities and illumination Sagittarius Season famously brings.
Also, don't forget that Readings and Healings make great gifts as you begin your holiday shopping! We make very cute Gift Certificates, and you know that a gift from the Spiritual Gayz always fits. Also, the merch update is that we are still finalizing some designs, but rest assured, we will be open by the New Moon with cute coffee mugs, totes, and apparel to make all your Gayzer dreams come true.
Be gentle with yourselves, dear ones. You're doing great—really, you are!
Find your Taurus Lunar Eclipse Homoscopes below.
Read for your rising sign to see where this Eclipse
wants to illuminate the big changes coming in hot for your life.

THE SPIRITUAL GAYZ are Brandon Alter and Angel Lopez, healers, husbands, teachers, and mystics for a modern age. With their combined experience of over forty years of Tarot and Astrology expertise, they aim to demystify the mystical and make spiritual practice accessible and effective. Through their podcast and their Spirit School, their goal is to create safe spaces for queer people of all kinds to gather together in spirit.
Brandon Alter is a spiritual healer, Tarot reader, Astrologer, mystic and writer living in Los Angeles. He is passionate about sharing spiritual tools that have helped him reconnect to the wisdom of his heart. Brandon is a thoroughly trained healer and teacher who co-hosts The Spiritual Gayz with his husband, a twice-monthly podcast dedicated to exploring the wide reaches of spirituality, without pretending that it all makes sense. Brandon’s mom took him to his very first psychic when he was seven and gave him his first Tarot deck when he was eleven. Since then he has devoted himself to the study of Tarot, Yoga, Pilates, Reiki, Astrology and the myriad ways one can work, heal and grow with the help of the spirits.
Angel Lopez is a film producer, writer, astrologer, and co-host of the podcast, THE SPIRITUAL GAYZ alongside his husband, our Spiritual Guru Brandon Alter. Angel has been studying and working with both tarot and astrology for twenty years. He hosted the astrology web-series, ASTRO TALK WITH ANGEL, and writes the blog ASTROLOGY REALNESS. He has also had pieces published on and The Huffington Post.
On the film side, Angel produced the Sundance Film Festival award winning film DEAR WHITE PEOPLE, as well as the features THE DINNER and STATE LIKE SLEEP. He also wrote and directed his own short film, I CAN’T WITH YOU, which had its premiere at the 2016 HollyShorts Film Festival, and he recently finished producing filmmaker Justin Simien’s second feature, BAD HAIR.
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