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Flapper Press Poetry Café Series: My Favorite Poetry—Karen Clark


By Flapper Press Poetry Café:

The Flapper Press Poetry Café continues a new series of articles about favorite lines of poetry and the poets who wrote them. We’re reaching out to poets, writers, and lovers of poetry to submit their favorite lines of poetry and tell us why you love them.

Check out our submission guidelines and send us your favorites!

We'll feature your submission sometime this year on our site!

This week, our submission comes from Flapper Press contributor Sharon Rincker.


Sharon Rincker writes:

My favorite poem is "Winter Solstice" by Karen Clark I like the winter solstice, time to slow down, reflect, plan for longer days.

Karen Clark

From Karen Clark:

"In my mid-twenties, a series of synchronistic events conspired to wake me up in the midst of a corporate, achievement-driven life in progress that neither fed my soul nor gave my joy. I embarked on a spiritual journey of healing and transformation. Although I didn’t know it at the time, I had committed myself to the teachings and ways of the Goddess that underlie and inform the Path of She. In the course of my journey, I have reclaimed the sacred feminine, magic and my own inner beauty and powers as the wellspring of my everyday existence. Through the many threads of my life — graduate studies, a successful consulting practice, intense healing and spiritual explorations, partnership and motherhood, and my Path of She teachings — I have doggedly pursued one intention: to return the sacred feminine and the Goddess back to their rightful place in my waking life, and the waking world."

— Karen Clark,


Sharon Rincker lives on a farm, loves to grow plants and flowers, loves to paint and sew. Loves her family and incredible grandsons and special friends.



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