We're all living a different kind of life than we could have ever imagined a year ago. Some of us wait in lines for groceries or other basic goods. Others have taken to having farm-fresh veggies and fruits delivered to their doorstep via various subscription services. Most of us employ a combination of all of the above. Heck, Amazon Prime was part of our world even pre-Covid. Of course, we mustn't forget about those less fortunate who struggle with food insecurity and lack of what most of us would consider "the basics." For those of you who are lucky enough to be employed and have the resources, we strongly encourage you to donate to a variety of charities who are reaching those in need.
It's a new frontier, and there are a lot of new products on the market that advertise their "green" status, stating that they are making the world a better place by offering products and services that are sustainable and easier on the environment. All of them promise an easy-to-implement shift to sustainable living, with products and services ranging from home-delivered organic groceries and meals to environmentally friendly cleaning products and personal hygiene solutions.
We started Flapper Press Green Reviews to sample some of these new products and post our reviews to help you choose the best solutions for the necessary sustainable lifestyle that we all need to consider. We would love your input and reviews to add to this series, so feel free to reach out to us with ideas!
*This is not a sponsored post
This month's featured product:
No, we're not making a snarky statement. Who Gives a Crap is actually the name of an innovative, environmentally friendly Australian company that donates 50% of its profits to help build toilets for those in need.
We first heard of this company via its Instagram feed, and there was something interesting about their creative ad campaign and the idea of having recycled or bamboo toilet paper delivered to our doorstep that peeked our interest. After a quick perusal of their website and mission statement, an order was placed to see what we would get. Mind you, this was pre-Covid in September of 2019—long before the words "toilet paper shortage" became part of our lexicon—and having tried several brands of alternative toilet paper in the past, our hopes weren't that high for a comfortable wipe; but we ordered anyway.
You know how they say that packaging is everything? Well, when the large, cleverly packaged box of recycled toilet paper arrived on our doorstep, you could immediately tell that design whimsy was hard at work—but would the product be any good? As layers of cardboard were peeled back to reveal hidden messages on the cardboard flaps and colorfully wrapped paper towels and toilet paper, the whole experience felt more like opening a box of sweets from Sugarfina than ho-hum toilet paper!

With a whole family of bums to test the product out on, we are happy to report that Who Gives a Crap toilet paper is an excellent alternative to traditional toilet paper. The toilet paper sheets are thinner than what most Americans have to come to expect in their wipe, but the recycled paper sheets do the trick and are more than soft enough to do the job without inks, dyes, or scents. In fact, we liked the product and impact initiative of this company so much, we joined their subscription service and now receive shipments every six weeks. Our usual order: 100% Recycled Toilet Paper
3-ply - Double Length Rolls - 48 rolls for $48.
Let's just say that a lot of recycled toilet paper has been given to friends and neighbors since March 2020!

Let's look at the "why" of Who Gives a Crap.
The founders of the company (Simon, Jehan, and Danny), launched Who Gives a Crap in July 2012 with a crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo. Why did they do it? When they realized that 2.3 billion people across the world didn't have access to a toilet (apprx. 40% of the global population) and that apprx. 289,000 children under five die every year from diarrheal diseases caused by poor water and sanitation, they decided to do something about it.
With a start of $50,000, they were able to ship their first product in March 2013 with 50% of their profits going to help build toilets and improve sanitation in the developing world. Pretty cool, huh?
To date, Who Gives a Crap has donated just over $2.6 million Australian dollars to charity and saved a heck of a lot of trees, water, and energy.
We were going to post this review a month ago, but believe it or not, Who Gives a Crap ran out of toilet paper products . . . just like the rest of the world! Subscription services remained intact, so we've had a steady supply of product since the March lockdown, and we're expecting a new shipment within a week or so (swapping out our recycled paper tissues for the bamboo alternative so that we can review the difference). However, as of mid-March, it looks like they are back in business with one-box limits on TP (6 jumbo rolls), paper towels, and tissues. Check out their website for the latest information on stock supplies.

Flapper Press Review:
Soft tissues. Even though the recycled sheets are thinner than "normal" toilet paper, these are great! We'll let you know about the bamboo when we get the shipment!
All rolls are entirely biodegradable and septic safe.
No dyes, inks, or perfumes.
All materials used to make and package the product are recycled paper fibers, bamboo, or sugarcane.
Economical: 48 rolls for $48, 24 rolls for $30
Free shipping on most orders.
Full refund if you are not satisfied with the products.
50% of profits are donated to non-profit organizations working to improve access to hygiene, water, and basic sanitation in developing countries.
Terrific subscription service. If you have enough room to store extra toilet paper, then it is perfect.
Excellent customer service, inquiries answered promptly within 24 hours.
Limited supply if you do not become a subscribing customer.
Large supply (48 rolls) when delivered. You need to have ample storage space.
If you are used to super soft tissue and can't do without it, then this is not the product for you. We encourage you to reconsider though! Save the trees!
Large amount of cardboard to recycle once you unpack the products.
Limited supply of bamboo toilet paper in smaller orders (only 48-roll option available as of this date)
Bottom line (pun intended): We love this product and will continue with subscription services. We look forward to trying out the bamboo toilet paper and will review once we receive the product.
To find out more about this product and purchase your first order, visit Who Gives a Crap.
Stay tuned for more Flapper Press "Green" Reviews next month!
Go Green!
