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Eclipse Season: Brandon Alter & Angel Lopez aka The Spiritual Gayz


By Brandon Alter & Angel Lopez:

Eclipses feel intense and shocking but what they reveal is nothing new. In fact, the thing about Eclipse Season is that it shows us what's always been there. It's just the immediacy of it that causes us to take notice, to finally see what's been hiding in plain sight.

Eclipses come in sets, either twins or triplets. You're probably already feeling it. Everyone else is. Tomorrow's Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius is a story of emotions, a clearing of the heart, which then leads to the June 10th New Moon eclipse in Gemini, which is a soul story. First the heart, then the soul. Eclipse Season builds in intensity. And then it's a watershed moment, a dam that bursts. Because of their connection to the Moon, Lunar eclipses reveal the feelings that have been long lurking under the surface. What shows up might feel new, but it isn't—in fact, it's ancient. Ancient emotions and fears surface during Eclipse Season so that we can reckon with them, reconcile them, and then send them on their way, well met and well fed.

Eclipses can feel like a boiling point. It's a final showdown. The last stand. A perfect moment to put up or shut up. It presents a fantastic time to end things that have long overstayed their welcome. For example, I just broke up with my therapist in a Costco parking lot yesterday. It was liberating and bittersweet and it should have happened last Fall but I couldn't get up the nerve. Eclipse Season can unnerve us like that and then, surprisingly, gift us the nerve we need to move on.

Gemini and Sagittarius are signs that crave understanding. With Eclipse Season happening in their realm, we are being asked to release outdated answers and open up to new questions. It's time to give up the old quest and become curious about the new one. It's not that you were wrong, it's just that truth evolves over time. Add to this Mercury's upcoming retrograde through his home sign of Gemini and we've got the perfect recipe to review (and release) the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what we are doing here.

Having all this planetary activity in Gemini could feel quite heady, but with Neptune (and now Jupiter) in Pisces there's a spiritual aspect in the sky that challenges our superficial chatter. Use your words with purpose. Watch how you tell yourself the story of yourself in your head. Observe how you talk about yourself to others. Remember, it's not new, it's ancient—but you might be seeing it clearly for the very first time.

Remember, Astrology affects everyone, but not everyone speaks this language. Learning not to take things personally in the coming weeks is vital. Eclipse Season is also a time to take action when unpleasant things crop up. Don't delay on following up with doctors, lawyers, and accountants. If you can head things off at the pass, they'll likely find amiable resolution. If you let things fester, you might be giving your future self opportunities to resent you.

Jupiter in Pisces is a perfect time to deepen your connection to the invisible world. This is why Angel and I are sharing a very personal, brand-new course called Spirit Worlds. JOIN US for an experiential deep dive into the realm of working with spirits for healing, power, and general well-being. No experience necessary, only your open heart required.

This five-week course is a completely safe, playful, and life-changing taste of Animist practice. We look forward to not just teaching you how to journey and engage with the spirit world, we look forward to learning from you as you begin to bring back teaching and healing from your own set of spiritual helpers. There will be many different types of experiences, and you will be able to lean in to those that resonate most profoundly for yourself.

If you've ever wondered who your guides are, how to channel information from beyond, where your power spot is—this course is for you! It comes straight from our hearts, and we can't wait to share it with you.


Brandon Alter is a spiritual healer, Tarot reader, Astrologer, mystic, and writer living in Los Angeles. He is passionate about sharing spiritual tools that have helped him reconnect to the wisdom of his heart. Brandon is a thoroughly trained healer and teacher who co-hosts The Spiritual Gayz with his husband, a twice-monthly podcast dedicated to exploring the wide reaches of spirituality, without pretending that it all makes sense. Brandon’s mom took him to his very first psychic when he was seven and gave him his first Tarot deck when he was eleven. Since then he has devoted himself to the study of Tarot, Yoga, Pilates, Reiki, Astrology, and the myriad ways one can work, heal, and grow with the help of the spirits.

Angel Lopez is a film producer, writer, astrologer, and co-host of the podcast, THE SPIRITUAL GAYZ alongside his husband, our Spiritual Guru Brandon Alter. Angel has been studying and working with both tarot and astrology for twenty years. He hosted the astrology web-series, ASTRO TALK WITH ANGEL, and writes the blog ASTROLOGY REALNESS. He has also had pieces published on and The Huffington Post.

On the film side, Angel produced the Sundance Film Festival award winning film DEAR WHITE PEOPLE, as well as the features THE DINNER and STATE LIKE SLEEP. He also wrote and directed his own short film, I CAN’T WITH YOU, which had its premiere at the 2016 HollyShorts Film Festival, and he recently finished producing filmmaker Justin Simien’s second feature, BAD HAIR.

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