By Jillian McWhirter:

By now, you all must know, I’m a hippie at heart. I don’t wear my flowing, flowered torn skirts anymore, my hair is much shorter, and I actually put a little makeup on now, which my mom is happy about. But deep in my heart, my hippie self still lives, and I have a dream that all people will get along one day; and what better day than Valentine’s Day to start making that dream a reality.
Valentine’s Day is a very special day! Not only was my grandfather, Arthur Valentine McWhirter, born on that day, but it’s a national day of love. And after the challenges 2020 gave us, I think a little love right now is a great thing. So let’s spread the love!

Think back on when you were young. Remember when you were in elementary school and everyone gave those cute little Valentine Day’s cards? Didn’t that make you feel special? Some were even homemade! No fancy diamonds rings or expensive gifts needed, just a sweet little card meant someone loved you.

So this year, I went to the store and bought a bunch of pretty Valentine’s cards. I’ve written simple, kind, and inspirational words that I hope my receivers will enjoy reading. Don’t you think there’s still something about receiving a letter in the mail that can make one feel warm, cozy, and special because you took the time to think of them? I do.
And with many of us still not traveling, or visiting loved ones in person, or meeting up at large gatherings, taking the time to send a Valentine's card can be very soothing for us. Thinking of those special people you want to send a little love too can be a fun afternoon. Maybe you’ll send one to your neighbor; maybe you’ll write some anonymous cards and drop them off at the nursing home; maybe you’ll even send one to the person who helps you at the grocery store; or maybe you’ll give one to your postmaster. Whoever is in your life, share a little love.
And to you all, I want to wish you peace and happiness on the beautiful day of Valentine and always.
Raised in Mississippi, Jillian McWhirter moved to Paris and New York to pursue modeling before moving to Los Angeles to start her film and television career. She has written numerous feature film scripts and has published over thirty educational books that are used by health and safety organizations all over the United States.
Read Elizabeth Gracen's interview with Jillian McWhirter here.