​We are currently accepting poems for the following contest.
If you have questions, please reach out and contact us at

It time for the Flapper Press Poetry Café's Annual
Juliet Poetry Contest!
​Let's celebrate love with something short and sweet!​
Haiku Love Poetry​!
​What is Haiku?
A Japanese verse form most often composed, in English versions,
of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables.
A haiku often features an image, or a pair of images,
meant to depict the essence of a specific moment in time.
—Poetry Foundation ​​
To read wonderful examples of Haiku poetry:
Contest Guidelines
1. Submit as many haiku love poems as you wish!
2. Submit your poem by email to:
In the subject line, you must include:
Your name
Title of your original poem or number of poems
Example: Joanie Smith— "Title of Your Poem" (or # of poems) - 12.18.25
3. We will announce FIVE selections to feature in a Flapper Press article for Valentine's Day.
4. Each of the five selected poets will be awarded $25.
Quick Deadline: Friday, February 1, 2025
By submitting, you agree to have Flapper Press publish your poem.
This Contest is Closed.
​We are currently accepting poems for the following contest.
If you have questions, please reach out and contact us at

It's time for the Flapper Press Poetry Café Summer 2024 Ekphrastic Poetry Contest!
With a mission to promote artists and creators around the globe and provide in-depth interviews about their work and passions, the Flapper Press Poetry Café celebrates the beautiful combination of word & image by bringing poets and wordsmiths together with our Summer 2024 Ekphrastic Poetry Contest.
For this year's contest, we're excited to feature outstanding images from the gorgeous photography of John McDermott.
We've selected 12 images from the photographer to serve as poetic inspiration for this contest.
Contestants can choose any one of these photographs to create an original poem that best expresses the emotion you feel when viewing the art you chose. You can gain inspiration by reading McDermott's words regarding each image or feel free to interpret the art in your own way as you write your poem.
What is ekphrastic poetry?
According to the Poetry Foundation:
“Description” in Greek. An ekphrastic poem is a vivid description of a scene or, more commonly, a work of art. Through the imaginative act of narrating and reflecting on the “action” of a painting or sculpture, the poet may amplify and expand its meaning.
Check out the Contest Guidelines and make sure to follow all submission requirements.
We can't wait to see what you create!
Contest Submission Guidelines:
(Please read carefully and submit all elements!)
Deadline: July 31, 2024
1. Choose a photograph from among the 12 photos here.
Follow this link for important details about each photo, including the photo number you will need to reference in your submission.
Link to Contest Photos & Descriptions
For more inspiration, make sure to read our previous interview with photographer John McDermott.
2. Write a poem about the photograph you selected.
Use any poetic form you desire (free verse, sonnet, haiku, haibun, etc.).
3. In the BODY of your email submission, please include:
Your name
Your state of residence
Your poem
A short bio (approx. 25 words)
A photo of yourself attached with the submission
4. Details:
There is NO submission fee to enter this contest.
Each of the 5 selected winners will receive a $25 cash award.
You may submit as many times as you like, BUT each submission must be provided in a separate email; AND only one submission per poet will be selected.
You may collaborate with a friend or write by yourself.
ALL submissions must be original pieces and not previously published. -
All ages are eligible to enter.
Feel free to ask any questions prior to the contest deadline.
5. Submit your poem via email.
In the subject line, use the following format:
Your name - # of Photograph - 2024 Summer FP Poetry Contest
( EXAMPLE: "Annie Newcomer - Photo # - 2024 Summer FP Poetry Contest")
Send your entries to by July 31, 2024.
Our judges will choose 5 selections.
Our winners will be featured in an upcoming Flapper Press Poetry Café article.
We will also consider the selections for the Best of the Net and Pushcart nominations.
Good luck!

What's On Your Playlist? The Flapper Press Poetry Café's Annual
Juliet Poetry Contest
As we count down to Valentine's Day,
love is in the airwaves.
Celebrate Valentine's Day in our Flapper Press Poetry Café with a submission to our annual Flapper Press Juliet Contest
Contest Guidelines
1. Choose a line (or two) from a favorite song and incorporate it within your own original
poem. You may use whatever form of poetry you like: prose, rhyming, sestina, sonnet,
free verse—you decide!
2. Submit your poem by email to:
In the subject line, you must include:
Your name
Title of your selected song
Title of your original poem
Example: Joanie Smith—-"All of Me" by John Legend, "Title of Your Poem" 12.18.23
3. We will announce FIVE selections to feature in a Flapper Press article for Valentine's Day.
4. Each of the five selected poets will be awarded $25.
Deadline: Friday, February 9, 2024
By submitting, you agree to have Flapper Press publish your poem.

For our latest contest, we direct you to our article on "The Art of Alistair Little," where you will find extraordinary examples of his artwork. You will choose any art piece shown in this article and use whatever form of poetry
you feel best expresses the emotion you feel when viewing the art, or interpret his art
in your own creative way with an original poem you write.
We are giving you the summer to create your poem(s) and look forward to seeing the merging of
Alistair's art with your own.
Contest Submission Guidelines:
(Please read carefully and submit all elements!)
Deadline: July 31, 2023
1. Select a piece of art by Alistair Little from among those found in this article:
2. Write a poem about the art piece you selected, using any poetic form you desire.
3. In the body of your email submission, please include:
Your name
Your state of residence
Your poem
A short bio (approx. 25 words)
Attach your photo along with the submission
4. Details:
There is NO submission fee to enter this contest.
Each of the 5 selected winners will receive a $25 cash award.
You may submit as many times as you like, BUT each submission must be provided in a separate email; AND only one submission per poet will be selected.
You may collaborate with a friend or write by yourself. ALL submissions must be original pieces not previously published.
All ages are eligible to enter.
Feel free to ask any questions prior to the contest deadline.
5. Submit your poem via email.
In the subject line, use the following format:
Your name - Name of ART Piece - 2023 Summer FP Poetry Contest
(example: Annie Newcomer - "Sanda" - 2023 Summer FP Poetry Contest)
Send your entries to by July 31, 2023.
Our judges will choose 5 selections whose work will be featured in a Flapper Press Poetry Café article. We will also consider the selections for the Best of the Net and Pushcart nominations.
Good luck!

"Find love. Find love with all of your heart. And once found, love will find you.
It will break away the unbreakable, and make anew."
—Anthony Liccione
It’s time for our 3rd annual poetry call for submissions for Valentine’s Day Poetry!
To keep our contest interesting, each year we try to develop a new way to express love through writing.
This year, our theme revolves around a Message in a Bottle!
(Please read carefully and submit all elements!)
1. Creativity is the key!
Write a poetic letter or poem of any form—rhyme, free verse, sonnet, pantoum, etc.
The "message" may be to a loved one, to someone you haven't met yet, to a grandparent,
to a child, to a stranger—your choice!
2. Email your entry!
In the SUBJECT LINE, include your Name and "Valentine's Submission 2023".
Paste your letter/poem into the body of the email or add as an attachment.
Submit to:
(You may submit as many times as you like but use separate emails for each entry.)
3. Details:
- No entry fee.
- We will select 5 winning entries to published on Valentine's Day.
- $25 stipend to each winner
- ALL AGES are eligible.
- DEADLINE: Saturday, February 4, 2023
Our judges are looking for creativity, imagery,
and respect for all the essentials in your poetic tool box.
Move us. Inform us. Find delight in the process!
We will select five winners and offer a $25 prize to each
along with publication in the Flapper Press Poetry Café
November 2022.

DEADLINE: November 14, 2022.
The Flapper Press Poetry Café
Poetry Contest
Autumn 2022!
Submission Guidelines:
(Please read carefully)
1. Select a poem title from ANY famous poet who inspires you.
Change the title to make it your own.
(It does NOT have to be one of the examples listed below.)
A.) "The Blue Booby" by James Tate (actual poem)
Example title: (“In Search of the Blue Booby”)
B.) "In the Nursing Home" by Jane Kenyon (actual poem)
Example title: ”Wednesday Means Bingo With Grandma"
C.) "The Bull" by Ocean Vuong (actual poem)
Example title: "The True Saga of the Bull Hemingway Imagined”
2. Write your poem!
Use any form of poetry—free verse, prose poem, sonnet etc.
It MUST BE at least 10 lines or more.
3. You must include the following in the email SUBJECT LINE:
Your name - Title of Your Poem - Famous Poet Chosen - Title of their Poem - Autumn 2022 Poetry Contest
4. Send all questions & submissions to:
We are currently accepting poems for the following contest.
If you have questions, please reach out and contact us

Choose 2 lines from one of the 3 poems in the link.
Use the lines anywhere in your own poem.
Let us know the poem you used.
UNDERLINE the 2 lines you used.
The lines can be used anywhere in the poem.
The lines can be separated.
Send your submission and short bio to:
Deadline: Sunday, July 31, 2022
Our editors will select 3 poems for publication and cash prizes.
Poems will be published in our online edition in August.
One first-place winner is awarded $100.
One second-place winner is awarded $50.
One third-place winner is awarded $25.
Let us know if you have any questions.
We are currently accepting poems for the following contest.
If you have questions, please reach out and contact us
Valentine's Blackout Poetry Contest!

One first-place winner is awarded $100.
One second-place winner is awarded $50.
One third-place winner is awarded $25.
Submission Deadline: February 6, 2022
Choose a piece of text that you want to blackout. You can use newspapers, magazines, letters, recipes, or photocopies of any piece of text—be as creative as you want to be!
Use a pencil to start the process but by the end of your selection you will need a marker (any color will do as long as it will totally blackout the rest of the text) to blackout the text that you are not using.
Draw boxes around words or phrases that attract and hold meaning for you. You are narrowing the text down to the words you want to use. You can always box something in to start and change your mind later to black it out.
Consider that the poem/letter needs to be read from left to right.
Once you are satisfied with your poem/letter, it’s time to blackout the rest!
Take a photo of your creation. Most phone cameras will work just fine. We can always crop the image, so it doesn't have to be perfect, just easy to see and as clear as possible.
Submit a .jpg image of your final product to:
Past Contests:

The Flapper Press Poetry Café is now open for submissions for our
Thanksgiving 2021 featured article on GRATITUDE!
All you need to do is to ask yourself this question:
Is it possible to tell a story in just six words?
The answer is a resounding, YES!
Legend has it, though unsubstantiated, that Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only 6 words. Whether the backstory is true or not, here is the example of a six-word story often attributed to him.
"For sale: baby shoes, never worn."
As we prepare to give thanks in the upcoming season, we invite you to join us here at the Flapper Press Poetry Café by submitting your 6 word story for our featured article for Thanksgiving, 2021!
You can write it alone, or with your children and grandchildren or both! Your story will not be long, but it needs a subject and a verb to give the reader a sense of understanding and storyline.
Submission Details:
Submission Period: Oct 22 -November 15
Age: All ages invited!
How many 6-word stories can you submit? Send as many 6-word stories on gratitude stories as you like. We'll select our favorites to publish on November 25, 2021.
Do you beed to send a bio? Yes, please include a short 25 word bio with your submission.
May parents help their children? Yes! Parents may help their children and grandchildren AND also write their own.
Email submissions:
We are currently accepting poems for the following contest.
If you have questions, please reach out and contact us
The Flapper Press Poetry Café: Ekphrastic Poetry Contest

Read Submission Guidelines and view contest artwork here.
Poetry Contest Rules:
Poet information must pass Google API and address verification.
A poem in its entirety must be an original work by the person entering the contest.
Single entries are welcome or up to 3 poems per contestant; 1 prize per person.
All individual poetry remains the property of the author.
Deadline for submission is Sunday, August 22, 2021.
Submit work to
One first-place winner is awarded $100, publication on Flapper Press, and
consideration for submission to the PushCart Prize.
One second-place winner is awarded $50, publication on Flapper Press, and consideration for submission to the PushCart Prize.
One third-place winner is awarded $25, publication on Flapper Press, and
consideration for submission to the PushCart Prize.
Judging Process:
Contest entries are judged based on poetic technique, effectiveness, style, and creativity.
We are currently accepting poems for the following contest.
If you have questions, please reach out and contact us

Poetry Contest Rules:
Poet information must pass Google API and address verification.
A poem in its entirety must be an original work by the person entering the contest.
Single entries are welcome or up to 3 poems per contestant; 1 prize per person
All individual poetry remains the property of the author.
One first-place prize of $100, publication on Flapper Press, and consideration for submission to the PushCart Prize.
One second-place winner is awarded $50, publication in Flapper Press, and consideration for submission to the PushCart Prize.
One third-place winner is awarded $25, publication in Flapper Press, and consideration for submission to the PushCart Prize.
Judging Process
Contest entries are judged based on poetic technique, effectiveness, style, and creativity.